please let me know which option you prefer

This additional time is also helpful when you have more interviews scheduled with companies that interest you. She was ticked, but it did not stop her. I mean, we all have our pet peeves, but deciding that someone is a rude jerk based on a single turn of phrase just seems unnecessary. Too much time in food service, probably. Or speaking whale a la Dory in Finding Nemo. And grammatically speaking, not all requests for a response have to be phrased as a question. If I have one grievance to file about business email, it would be that I wish people wouldnt use words that they dont understand. + Read the full interview, I love that TextRanch editors are real people who revise the text and provide feedback it makes it so personal. No. 3. Putting please advise instead of the second sentence would incline me to respond with something like. Is it yes to option 1, 2, or 3? What else was I supposed to say? What time shall we say? You need to say, at the end of the sentence, what it is you want both of you do. This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps", A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor. Yeah, I used to work at a company that had outsourced a lot of its work to India. Please advise if you require further information. I realize that it sounds more formal than please let me know.. I can see how it might be annoying if overused. Neutral phrases "Yes, Thursday is fine." (also with friends and colleagues) "Thursday suits me." "Thursday would be perfect." Informal phrases Yes, Thursday's great for me. I think Thoughts? is totally fine. Want more FREE revisions? That does happen to me on occasion. You guys are amazing. It tells the subject being asked to advise (others) whom are relevant to the specific situation to be given information regarding that situation so everyone involved has the level of information that the person who requested please advise wanted to convey. Request you to note the dates and let us know the way forward. Example: Just checking in to see if theres anything else you need from me so you can complete the [thing you havent sent back to me].. I dont know. It is like personal space. TextRanch lets you have your English corrected by native-speaking editors in just a few minutes. We dont have a parking procedure. I resisted the urge to bang my head on her desk. I use it for senior co-workers when Ive been instructed by my supervisor to ask them to take action on a project. I use it most with people that are either above me or that I dont really know so Im erring on the side of reverential language. Well, to be fair, I was trying to derail his political career. 2. I wonder what would happen if you just said no to Can I ask you a question for a few days. And I never, ever, raised an issue or sent an email to that manager again. ooooo! Most of the time its more junior staff and they dont realize the annoying-ness. Just had an email saying another comment had been left. I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. Thank you! The sender writes anyway and says I need to put in the order for either blue and green enamel for next months collector teapot and Jane told me she didnt know. Some people are more formal than others. As in, Attached is the xyz report. With a little picture of Puss in Boots from Shrek, holding his hat and with The Eyes. Ive never heard sleeps in the US. Theyre collectively the absolute worst when it comes to following up on e-mails because they never read them. To me the please advise when done or words to that effect; suggest to me they are implying I dont have the manners or common sense to respond with their results or let them know when tasks are complete; when its an absolute pre requisite that I will reply with the answer or information they want. I only had to explain it to him once. It feels like a power play. I have people in India who do this a lot too, but I grit my teeth and move on. Cause Im in Scotland, I can occasionally get away with wee reminder instead.I usually go with this is your 2nd reminder or maybe this is a reminder that the deadline for x is _, Coming from some people gentle reminder is scowl-inducing but wee reminder is great :). Do they tend to throw you under the bus? TBC, I only use that when Im really looking for general thoughts, and dont necessarily have a specific question. It took over half the year for the nun to catch on to what all those little slashes in the corners of our papers meant. We have enjoyed serving you for the past five years. Yes, thats always how Ive used it. Quick is fine, its the gentle. Like Im reminding you in a gentle way, when you know its really not. I also get gentle reminder emails and never take offense. yeah I agree. As a formal alternative, you can try using "kindly inform me if you disagree." "Please tell me if not" works well as a more informal option. Yes, just a little reminder at the end of the email that you cant proceed without input. If you're on the conservative side, you may want to just take my word for it. So? Just as Im used to people replying with something like Great, thanks! or Ok, no problem rather than acknowledged, Im used to people ending emails with what do you think? or is it ok if we do X? not please advise.. This exactly. Same thing happened at my work placethousands of employees all responding with reply all. You can just say, ?I suppose please advise is better than that or whatever expletives I might be thinking. Me: OK, Ill pick some and have a draft for you to review next week. From the Cambridge English Corpus His preferred option is theory of mind ability, which underpins processes of cultural learning and cultural accumulation and transmission. 3 months ago. Please let me know which option you prefer 6,500 results on the web Some examples from the web: So will you please let me know . It sets my teeth on edge. But, I think more often than not thats not the case. Im getting more used to the smaller zone as the years go on, but its still maddening. 1. Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. I think the phrase Please advise means Define my problem, then solve it for me. As such, I think its a pretty irritating/lazy way to ask for help. why? Apparently its a standard phrase in Indian English (and not at all meant to be insulting), and Ive seen it in emails between Indian coworkers a few times now. This is exactly what I do. One thing you can do, is watch how other people close their emails and steal the best ideas from what you see. Me too! I frequently have to exchange e-mails with attorneys who are fairly high up the food chain. I use please advise sparingly, and only in the following two situations: (1) You have dropped the ball and its become my problem. Me: Heres a selection of potential images for the brochure. (not to mention weird sounding) but I feel like Ive at least equally if not much moreso heard it from Americans (online, not aloud). Please let me know what options you have in the $20 range. Thats fine. Seems polite, like thanks for reading(? I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. I always take the time to phrase my response as, I advise you to Actually, if any of my direct reports use it, I ask what they mean by it. Find your new home at 1764 W Lindner Ave located at 1764 W Lindner Ave unit 3, Mesa, AZ 85202. Just ask a direct question or make a decision or leave me alone, but quit spouting off please advise and then wait for me to fill the silence. Simply state the query, such as. Why do we write it in emails? I learned of the phrase after listening to some fiction audiobooks set in India. If someone whos not approved to send emails to the list has a legitimate reason to send out an email to everyone, that person can contact the relevant admin, who will vet the request and then send it on to everyone if its deemed appropriate. (I got that salutation a lot from coworkers in my office but rarely from folks in other offices.) Monday . Another is when I get an email that contains only call me. :). Honestly, please advise drives me crazy too, but I 100% admit its because of who I associate with it. I mean, what other phrase could you possibly use to indicate that youre ready to help the next person in line? By putting the focus on yourself, you're not putting pressure on the relationship or him to be a certain way or validate you in a certain way. But I agree that its ineffective, and that adults should know better than to shoot the messenger. } else { Some people either a) forget to put any subject, b) put a very generic one-word subject that I have twenty other emails with that same subject but for different topics, or c) put an entire novel in the subject. The editors' comments are helpful and the customer service is amazing. I like it because they might actually need something before they complete and return the thing I need; if not, its a memory jog that doesnt automatically assume theyre not on the ball. I agree that benefit of the doubt is important when reading emails just because tone can be hard to convey correctly sometimes, but it seems like an oxymoron to say dont read into tone that isnt there when you have no way to know what the tone is supposed to be aside from what you can grasp by the words the sender used. if its not a foregone conclusion, then no i wouldnt thank them in advance, because that wouldnt make sense. if you wish. Battle #2: people who then reply all to say ZOMG!! I alwaya say friendly reminder. If necessary it becomes friendly but urgent! To me, its off puttingly brusque to say, reminder, I need this by friday, or your veeblefitz report is late, I need it asap. But then, Im from the Say-outh, where we use lots of words to hide displeasure. Let me know if you can. My peeve is no subject line Our HR generalist pretty much NEVER uses one in her all-employee emails, and often her emails are just a pdf with no explanation of their content (usually a flyer of some event) so I have to download it to see if its anything at all relevant to me. Heres an example: 1. I was shocked. 2) People who hijack an email thread for an entirely different topic. And Id hope that someone would cut me some slack should I unknowingly pick the wrong set of words. ", Using it first time but seriously I have ever imagined that this type of sites is available. That irritates me too. I think theres probably something to this. Half the kids in the class were keeping track of how many times she said it. 3. Ive received what are your thoughts? / please advise / do you have input/feedback? and all of them seemed appropriate to the situation. Also, I dont mind it at all if people skip leaving me voicemail and instead email or IM with a request for me to call them back. I agreed upthread, but since people were disagreeing here, I wanted to +1 the passive-aggressive vibe. On the please advise thing. whether you prefer. Early in my career I had a boss who would act super confused when I made a mistake. I bet there are people reading here and saying, Omg, they are talking about ME. I hope that they realize that its just trends. It only happens rarely, but every once in a while Im asked to email someone about something and I really have no idea what Im doing/what the end goal is, so I put please advise. Hell routinely ask me to send external invites for him, then 5 minutes later follow up with something like Has Bob accepted yet? I hate the phrase. That said, I would never use please advise without more to the sentence. Happily, havent dealt with please advise outside of corresponding with legal counsel. Emails were coming in all day long. Please tell us why you are closing your account: Discover why 883,973 users count on TextRanch to get their English corrected! But from reading these comments and talking to people at my current workplace, apparently not everyone sees it that way. It would be considered very unusual for me to simply call someone, though. use greater than/less than, not parentheses. I'm definitely trying to be polite! In that case the please advise makes no sense because hes already asking you a question that you can answer. I hear it said sincerely much more often, but the passive-aggressive use is out there. and it drives me insane. Even when I would appreciate the complete info I am asking for much more than just any information. We use the yellow highlighter feature around here for emphasis, and it works very well. Id never use it with a peer, manager, or client whom I interact with frequently, as they are simply more responsive to client needs. People do notice that. But dont you need to reply all with a request to be removed from a group email? Has Bob accepted yet? (Yes or no) Have you booked that hotel? (Yes or no) How do I save a word file (have you never used a computer before?). I mean sure, I could email her and ask what number she can be reached at- but if shes not at her desk chances are she cant take the call right then anyway. Sorry that came across as rude. It is a benefit to do this as often as possible. Yes, sounds good to me. One of their common email closings was, Please advise of the needful. Over the past year you have been a valued customer. I might IM and say, Do you have time for a quick call? If the other person says, Yes, then I call THEM. Time. People who arent being that way would just ask what do you think? or how should i handle? . Sending The flight I was supposed to send this on is cancelled. can I compare attending college to working a full-time job in my cover letter? More than 150,000 people like you receive our weekly newsletter to master their English skills! On the other hand, if you want a laugh (and you don't mind a bit of obscene language), read ScaryDuck's post: A bit of email etiquette. If you say -- How would you like to proceed -- then that is a question you should say -- How you would like to proceed. Yeah, I never know what to do when you get something and Thanks! isnt really appropriate as a reply, but there isnt really much to say in reply. - Artwork will be emailed to you as a high quality 150dpi JPEG. how do you handle being pregnant at work? I would definitely let this one go.. Please advise rubs me the wrong way, too. Could this be confirmed either way to help my order progress please? The other thing I see it used for in my office is as a handoff when the question or problem thats being asked is my jurisdiction, but someone else is acting as a go-between in my case this is usually a question from a student thats being forwarded to me by their advisor, or something like that. I would be happy to hear irritating, stupid stuff all day, if I was getting paid. Very special me. Theres something about the tone of it that feels too deferential or uncertain to me. I wouldnt ever want to imply that Im telling my boss what to do. Or at least there have been, everywhere Ive worked. I just had this situation the other day someone asked me to change something that I posted in our system. I used to find it irritating and then people I work with started using it more so there was no point in being irritated. If you wish to keep things light, you may also get rid of the formalities to make your addressee feel at ease. I dislike the gentle reminder it feels patronizing to me. Suggesting A Different Date Neutral phrases "I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it on Monday. Me too. When would I use this?. I have the same problem. Before she became manager, wed had a jail escapee steal one of the staff cars. Oh, the fun we would have with their frequently used terms. To help you find the right words when you need them here are 20 great expressions for closing an email. I dont think Ive heard anyone actually say Please advise outside of radio dispatch conversations. (examples of why/how this will happen). Please advise. So because of that, it does signal impatient and demanding to me. +1. I wish I could find out about Textranch earlier. That would annoy me, too. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh! Some dont want to take any responsibility. I hear this about bless your heart all the time. Do (b)not(/b) leave your belongings at the front desk. And I put down the pencil, and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the other side in the middle of the other side away from everything else on the other side in parentheses capital letters quotated read the following words: (KID, HAVE YOU REHABILITATED YOURSELF?), One of my bosses sends out technicoloured emails, but shes also the kindergarten teacher, so its understandable. I have marked this listing as Complete. If they say the second line instead, people look at each other and defer to the next person. Plus I like telling people what to do. Please advise. Which would be annoying. Its my way of succinctly saying Listen up, you pompous twit this is the fifth and last time Im going to respond to something that you were supposed to handle three weeks ago. On the other side, is the writer genuinely seeking information or help? Same goes for people who use Comic Sans and other scribbly fonts that are hard to read which I think is unprofessional. Mar 31, 2012 5:50 AM. Ive been tempted). And from people who should have known better than to reply all! I dont mind like Please advise when Boss is available, etc. Ive actually built a macro into our corporate chat program where I type (512 and it expands into (512) 123-4567 or tell me your # and Ill call you. What date/time is most suitable/convenient for you? LOL I read it as some character from a Disney movie about to break into song. The rest of my team backed away slowly when the work landed on my lap.). And a section called the hazards of over thinking. Ummmmmmm. Feel free to let me know in the comments! Thanks! The call me is a little short. estimated time: 30 minutes,directly in your inbox. This. Qualified Editors Native English experts for UK or US English. Please advise, is much more concise than the alternative of listing all the options out. As in, The task youve given me is physically impossible. I dot: Thoughts? for that. I think its one of those boy who cried wolf situationsi.e., dont use the phrase unless you really, truly are looking for advice or a decision or a response of some sort. All rights reserved. HOW many for the sales summit in new YORK I guess Im being somewhat oversensitive because Ive had several employees in the past who drove me CRAZY with constantly dumping issues in my lap and never trying to bring solutions. 0. Thanks in advance! is less annoying to me than please and thank you. So now, any time I use that, it makes me laugh. } Please advise. should I tell the truth in my exit interview? Closing your account will prevent you from accessing your past revisions, and you will no longer be eligible for a FREE daily revision. Maybe its regional? Although I usually prefer let me know what you think since I know please advice grates on some people. If there's anything you need at all, just. It loses the effect and can be irritating/condescending when you use it too often. My brain says this when reading it: You just asked me a question. I mean, intellectually, I agree with everyone whos said youre overthinking this. But I cant STOP overthinking it and want to know why Im overthinking it to begin with. persons IM: Can you talk? I explained it a third time, very slowly, and very carefully. How about Friendly reminder? That seems really rude; after all, Im the one who is requesting the call so I should do the dialing. Prefer please let me know your preference please advise which one you prefer 20%OFF ,,,, She said, and I quote I always walk to my car in the staff carpark when it is time to go home, it is perfectly safe. The same thing happened at my old job as well! I think youre too stupid to realize that Ive asked you a question and I want an answer. How do you feel about putting those words in bold instead? Didnt know this was such a well known meaning! I think please and thank you arent used enough in business communication. One of our experts will correct your English. Certainly, sometimes you have a new employee, a weird problem, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed! One comment noted that please advise can be the equivalent of a punt: Heres this crappy thing Ive been trying to deal with. I have done that one. ", Quick and smart, plus is "human-based"! There are certain people I email who arent in the office so I tend to use a combination of please advise and subject lines with Response Required to try and make them aware I need a response. Yeah, thanks is my new sincerely and it does seem pretty silly when you think about it. Thats more of a benign request. They are rarely, if ever, able to clearly articulate their reason(s) and at that point, I ask them to please refrain from using it in communicating with me. If its someone who works for me, I dont want to be notified of a problem without their thoughts/suggestions/proposed solutions. But I think thats why he did it. Regarding battles 1&2. The forms probably include them by default just like they do name or address or ZIP code . The latter has a different meaning. Thanks, is far gentler and is a little more personal if you must put something at the end of the query. Gentle Reminder.Grrrr makes me want to smack the sender. My HTML brain cells went out for a moment. 1) Using the royal we when clearly asking for a specific person in the group to help. I usually say please advise when I am not sure what question I am asking. Attempt to manage you/assign tasks and they arent your manager? Ill ask for advice, input, and/or guidance, but never with that hated two-word statement. Want to improve your English business writing? I guess Im being petty at this point but I think there are so many better ways to communicate with people. For some reason, were constantly begging our lawyer to (pretty) please (and only should the stars align to create no personal inconvenience to him) advise (on this legal matter with respect to which were paying him a hefty fee). With no punctuation. I hate it when someone comes to me and just says here are three options, which do you want? without providing any of their thoughts on it. They use gentle reminder a lot which drives me batty. I tend to err on the side of not reading snideness into emails unless its either really egregious or I have reason to believe that the person is actually trying to be snide. Usually when a situation has gone pear-shaped and I have no clue what to do next. This weekend I decided to reorder the teapot lid process from Z to A, rather than A to Z because (insert reasons). If we choose "not applicable", it means we don't own a car which can be important information for the . I delete it from their email before responding. Which option do you prefer? I have found that simply putting are you able to help me resolve this? Though now that I work in a more casual situation, I just say Please let me know, and sometimes I even omit the Please. Im not crazy about please adviseits a vague and strangely worded requestbut at least its a request! YES!!! I dont use it myself but that is because in most places I have worked it is used to end emails from managers or directors. teehee! Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. . My current manager is really fond of the smiley faces in outlook, so I have a rule button that replies to messages with just a smiley face. Have you had a chance to look into this yet? and Any updates on this? also work for some people. I often see Please advise abused to avoid doing either of the above! Im rapidly coming to that conclusion as well. I think the point is that theyre giving you a heads up that they want to talk on the phone and doing you the courtesy of letting you wrap up whatever youre doing before calling them. 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