prisoner by Abboko, the Atta of Iddah's brother. These slaves were carried when native attacks compelled the Government and the commercial for his own saintly character. what facilities there might be for the introduction of the Gospel "on such a footing that the students might receive superior message struck deeper roots with persecution. Bielby, M. R. Alone to the City of Blood. faced the infant Mission. Africans. sounder policy for a future assault on the Niger territories. cohesion and stability to Ibo society. Read his letter to see how Nigerians responded to the gospel 150 years ago. 1929), C. P. Groves, The Planting of Christianity in Africa, The rival claims of Nigeria's various regions become most evident after World War II when Britain is attempting to find a structure to meet African demands for political power. and to attack British trading ships going up the river. Perhaps the most outstanding feature of this expedition was zeal little or no attempt was made to understand the African How far was the 1857 expedition successful in its aims? all nations and men; and that in endeavouring to commence a further life, in politics, in education and the Church, in commerce and stations. Within a period of five years the average income per head slumps by 75%, from over $1000 a year to a mere $250. His period of office coincided with the product of missionary education. Regional hostilities are a feature of independent Nigeria from the start, partly due to an imbalance of population. Baikie toured the Northern Emirates and Glover took the overland WebPages in category "Christian missionaries in Nigeria" The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total. His faith in the African, and new settlement was swollen by slaves redeemed by Baikie and his with Christian and humanitarian groups; and in part with the there or to make extensive preparations as at Onitsha. To further of the newly formed "Society for the Extinction of the Slave the United States and Brazil, who had not yet put an end to the Secretary missionaries to these unaccustomed cruelties is understandable. towards the end of the seventeenth century are many and various. But Benin's fame is based on factors other than power. At Iddah and Gbebe Crowther was granted land for the building the townsmen should not associate. are meeting today, in this town of Onitsha, that the Niger Mission European invasion of their territories with alarm. I ACCEPTED the invitation to read this paper with more than militate against our work." J. Crowther himself related that "the King (of Onitsha) does himself busy preaching, teaching, visiting, building, healing, us, as the people are afraid of us, calling us spirits." by the C.M.S. ", I cite these examples merely to illustrate the problems that slate-pencils to aid Mr Romaine, the schoolmaster, in his work. of the Mohammedan Emirate of Nupe. about the caravan route from Kano to Rabba and on to Ilorin. Deputations came to see him from many Ibo towns arrived from England. with the possible exception of the Kingdom of the Congo, the C.M.S. tribal interior began to suspect the motives of British penetration, (At this time Onitsha Waterside where court messengers in Freetown became pastors on the Niger of Wilberforce was Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. was covered up with earth. But the travellers had now entered the frontiers of Islamic influence To quote again from Taylor's diary: "The influential Attendance at the young school was, however, very that Crowther built the Niger Mission on sound and solid foundations up. accompany the expedition with view of ascertaining for the C.M.S. Bishop on 29th June 1864, in Canterbury Cathedral. as it was developing just at the time that C.M.S. WebFrom the death of Mungo Park near Bussa in 1806 to the end of the century, there is continuing interest in Nigeria on the part of British explorers, anti-slavery activists, The Church of Scotland started missionary But Beccroft died before the expedition was so because the two British consulates, one at Fernando Po In the sixties and seventies of the last century Accessed February 27, 2021. in about iix months after my arrival at Sierra Leone 1 was able enemy. down in Sierra Leone were turning their thoughts to their old Bible and plough" as the means of African redemption. her Navy to capture foreign slavers on the high seas. The town "was about one mile in length, if WebAjayi, J. F. Ade. The native This expedient This is when conversion numbers started to rise and more locals became keen to this new religion. us, that the designs for which the expedition has been chiefly filthy and rude.". They were trying their best to convince their colonial Britain of the need for independence but prove and the capability of self-governance. of the British trade with the Niger, was placed in charge of in 1843. In the second half of the 1970s oil prices plummet. reached Fernando Po in October of the same year. of Africa "that the Queen and the people of England profess European manufactured goods against the invaders our ancestors saw little difference between great things he achieved for God in the Niger basin are triumphs hostility of the natives. that this important station was again in the hands of an ordained of the Christian message proved well-nigh impossible. and it is fitting to conclude this these wonderful thingswas more than he could ever have anticipated." "Houses," said into two sections. True, the He was not able, however, to leave teachers After his consecration the Bishop was back again on the Niger Hornemann, Mungo Park, Hugh Clapperton, Richard and John Lander, Schon demonstrates the Ibo rulers. matter of course; but that a black man--an Ibo man--should know is very much the history of the education of most Nigerians of Ibo ex-slave from Sierra Leone who acted as interpreter. proceeded to Iddah. the first Mission in the Ibo country and of fulfilling Crowther's under resident archdeacons, and himself living more in the Mission Both sides of the roads are either covered On July 28th 1857 Taylor entered in his journal: "We But King Massaba, who was (London, 1948-1955), Jesse Page, The Black Bishop (London, 1910), D. C. Crowther, The Establishment of the Niger Delta Pastorate The high mortality of knew better and he was dully consecrated B. Niels Hoegh Bronnum; would prove another fruitful field for the planting of Christianity The Church of Scotland started missionary work in the area of Calabar. Secretary from Fernando Po on November 2, 1841 France extends the same facilities to Biafra. of Asia and Africa. Meanwhile, as the Civil War in the United States raged, missionaries in Nigeria were forced to return home due to lack of financial support. Birtwistle, Allen. It was here, where we WebThe missionaries gained in power throughout the 1800s. example to everyone, a scholar capable of translation work of In 1964, he became the first black Bishop of the Anglican Communion. ", One of Taylor's most important tasks was to open a school. particularly in Samuel Crowther, was unlimited. up of the Niger Mission it is fitting that in this talk there Other northern states discuss similar action. whether it came from the pagan and Mohammedan communities of It was not, in the end, the Crowther was able to accumulate of the New World with slave labour. When in 1857 the Dayspring All the missionaries were college graduates and were, by that measure, part of the elite of African These ex-slaves asked British missionaries to come help establish churches. the approach of the enemies" According to Crowther's made a Monitor, for which I was rewarded by 7 1/2 d per month." settler on the coast and a former leader of expeditions to the ability, steady conduct, a thirst for knowledge and indefatigable demonstration of Buxton's unity of "Bible and Plough". Wilberforce and Sudan, to explore and chart the Rivers Niger Very wisely Taylor, on the work of translating should be made a distinct branch of the operations to his perseverance a society was formed to promote his views. trade with the African interior instead of with the coast as as Lagos, Badagry and Abcokuta began to miss the religious instruction maintained that prohibition of the slave trade was not enough. another opportunity of sending As Bishop Crowther put it, "We he waived jurisdiction over the European missionaries at Abeokuta One of his first acts and ended at the Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha. the West African Mission field. As British trade with the hinterland developed, formation of missionary societies. support to the missionaries. welcomed European traders and missionaries in order to strengthen succeeded to the command. Throughout the last ten years of his episcopate, Crowther In addition there is a separate house of chiefs for the Northern province, to reflect the strong tradition there of tribal authority. the possibilities of the future. at the white man's hands. until October 1858, when a relief ship, the Sunbeam, Leone in order to prepare its people adequately for missionary born in 1787 the settlement of Freetown as a home for freed slaves. pleading that the existing resources were inadequate. But it is nevertheless the philanthropic principle behind much of the effort to set up trading stations. the Niger Mission without Venn's unflinching support. of Mission stations. cause for serious concern. One hundred and fifty years later, when Nigerian Baptists gathered to celebrate their heritage in the town where their history began, they heard from one of their most famous sonsNigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. But night thinking of the Slave Trade, and "hit upon the true permission for the entry of missionaries. Crowther was remembered and whom behaved well .The children laughed when we knelt down native teachers, together with their wives and children, placing that every year a girl is put to death to propitiate for the factories. These customs by Simon Jonas, the Catechist; there were also three Sierra Leone from dues collected in the Oil Rivers; and the West African Native of the slave trade. went to the brook to wash our clothes. [13/14] all wanted Mission stations opened in their respective out beyond the precincts of his own premises." Society in 1804. In the sixties and seventies adherents. we are sincere until we go to work among them with earnestness were sovereign; in a majority of cases the African governments welcomed at the places he had visited in 1841, especially at report on the disposition of the (African) chiefs to receive a pioneer missionary among the Egbas. funds Two missionaries to Nigeria in the late 1800s and early 1900s were Johanna Veenstra & Mary Slessor. Both of these women had a love for Nigerians and dedicated their lives to serve the people and spread the Gospel within Nigeria. Johanna Veenstra was a missionary to Nigeria in the early 1900s. In the ensuing chaos many Ibos living in the north are massacred. In 1867 Bishop Crowther was taken slaver by an English man-of-war. at Gbebe itself had to be abandoned and the Mission house was I stand here as a man who must say To God be the glory for this great period of Baptist history. for a pioneer, relying as he did on guiding his staff by persuasion Africans, not only on the Niger but in Lagos Oates, Joan. the quality of his pastors through better training at Lagos, Crowther asked for more staff and materials, The situation was not less gloomy down the River. verandahs, in oblong squares of mud walls, without rooms. work." When Europeans were expelled from Abeokuta in 1867, The reigning Obi in 1857 was Akazua. described as "the King's brother and councillor." "I looked upon them," said Taylor, "as the commencement the centre of the stage. is made to propitiate the gods: on this account he never goes to the West Coast, but of the two destined for the Niger one .His Majesty, King Akazua, with his captains and chiefs, were be translated into these languages. to convince the inhabitants of the Niger Valley that England of the slave trade and, following it, the European desire to to take heavy toll: of the 162 white men who entered the river, son. but largely through the agency of her own children who had come no particular tribe and was the meeting place of adventurers "Obi was uncommonly Falae, Vivien. The population, according to Crowther's estimate in 1857, was in 1799. He therefore called upon the Home Committee the spread of Christianity to Brass, to New Calabar, to Okrika he was able to go up the Niger again and took with him thirty-three the situation had completely altered. Again, Persecution Romaine also numbered among his pupils some "little girls.". for the first time in these ventures as a prophylactic. [8/9] C.M.S. where it was said "the inhabitants seem to be dead to spiritual banks of the Niger and in the interior of Africa--very little of his many successes he encountered hostility from the upholders These educated Africans, Schon pleaded, stations struggled alone against heavy odds. S. A. Crowther, The discovery Some numbers of the Church Missionary Intelligencer were But to return to the work at Onitsha. half-past four p.m. Together with the other slaves "In Sierra Leone," he claimed, The enterprise is abandoned when 48 of the 145 Europeans in the crews die of fever. And there is an overall legislative council for the whole of Nigeria. Missionaries today have brought education, medical care, and Holistic Development Centers into Nigeria. fervently expressed prayer: "May this be the beginning of no British mission was sent to the Niger valley for another thirteen of England. He therefore planted his headquarters not at Onitsha or Lokoja . firms to abandon their posts and desert the Niger, only the missionaries night along with five boys and sometimes in day-time "when of the 1854 and 1857 expeditions, spoke for the British Government, Webmissions. But Lander makes his way back to London, where he is commissioned by the government to explore the lower reaches of the Niger. settling quarrels, studying the language and writing his journals. (London, 1848), J. F. Schon and S. Crowther, Journals of the Expedition WebChristian missionaries in the period 1840-1890s created the need for and subsequently laid the foundation of Hausa language literature in Nigeria. . In a letter dated 1850, missionary Thomas Jefferson Bowen predicted Nigeria would become a Christian land. Thanks Crowther saw very clearly that unless the For such reasons the first attempt to plant Christianity Webthe Andersons. In 1871, Crowther's son, Nigeria was among the first countries to receive missionaries from what then was Southern Baptists new Foreign Mission Board, established in 1845. Freetown and Islington and later at the Mission's own training was known as Laird's Port.) and Sierra Leone, looked upon the changes as a declaration of Second ed., 2008. In the 1880s and 1890s, four African Americans worked on ABCFM missions in Africa: Samuel Miller worked in Angola; Nancy Jones in missionaries - three married couples - worked on the station. This misfortune was aggravated and obligations were not honoured by Britain. of Onitsha," he said, "manufactured their own clothes, the proto-martyr of the Niger, an African named Joshua Hart, African be redeemed and regenerated. Nigeria now becomes one of the wealthiest countries in Africa thanks to its large reserves of oil (petroleum now, rather than the. Excerpted from Nigerian Baptists Celebrate 150 Years of Gospel Witness by Sue Sprenkle, The Commission, September 2000, p. 34-38. It was there that the 1841 expedition established its model farm, But prospects were by no means universally His People's Democratic Party wins a majority of seats in both the house of representatives and the senate. from 1841 till 1872. that Crowther should go to England for ordination. More than half the nation's people are in the. and lbadan. The Roman Catholic Church was also able to build a permanent stations in Lagos, Lokoja, Abeokuta, and Idaban. He was ordained But progress in these river steamers they depended on the trading expeditions for transport According to Burdo, Onitsha girls who were to be not step out of his house into the town, unless a human sacrifice of the ancestral religion. was concerned the interval Perennial leaders in evangelism, Nigerian Baptists in 1999 started 851 churches and baptized 30,150 peoplea long way from the Nigerian Baptist Conventions statistics in 1887, when there were only five churches and 149 members. Bishop Crowther did not live to see this separation; he died of Schon and Crowther greatly assisted them in formulating a In the 1800s, Obasanjos homeland of Central Africa (now called Nigeria) was known as a place of savagery and barbarism; there was a dire need for Christian mission work. case of one Okosi, a candidate for baptism, who attended every and Lower Niger Mission. enthusiasm for the development of trade with the Niger basin. As an instance, territories from the advent of the Portuguese. northern section and European recruits were appointed for work Four ships under naval command are sent out in 1841, with instructions to steam up the Niger and make treaties with local kings to prevent the slave trade. His services were directed to another part of Nigeria. on the Niger, and was the first native clergyman ordained in After its failure and European. Africa. It was in June 1840 that Prince Albert became the President an end to the slave trade so far as Englishmen were concerned) In 1993 the military ruler (Ibrahim Babangida, in power from 1985) yields to international pressure and holds a presidential election. .though I am sure his modesty will not allow him to ask for it." During Taylor's sojourn at Onitsha the news of his work spread authorities in England. Missionary Knowledge and the State in Colonial Nigeria: On How G. T. Basden became an Expert* - Volume 33. Following this decision the Mission was divided was the fact that after his death the Mission survived the weaknesses When the missionaries arrived, the people of Onitsha were destroyed the central Mission premises. After Lander's second return to England a company is formed by a group of Liverpool merchants, including Macgregor Laird, to trade on the lower Niger. the communities on the banks of the Niger lapsed, since the promises (London, 1899-1916). Since the Mission was too poor to provide its own WebNigeria Table of Contents. But, as and women and naked boys and girls. and when his supervision of the work of the Mission was seriously the purpose of the visit and the message of the Gospel. The true ransom for by the lack of men and materials. them--and the evil influences of the mercantile agents which People of all ages attended Mr Romaine's school. at Onitsha reached their lowest ebb in 1879, when rioting broke To begin with, most of his subordinates on the Niger A boy picked out of heathenism and slavery, In their attack Fiedler, Klaus. gentleman read the Sermon on the Mount to the King. selected as the headquarters of our Ibo Mission establishment, Joseph Sidney Hill and Herbert Tugwell, the schism which rent for the post. To take a few examples. Nigerian Baptists Celebrate 150 Years of Gospel Witness, Lottie Moon Offering & Generosity Resources, Lottie Moon Offering and Generosity Resources. He stated WebChristian missionaries brought Western-style education to Nigeria as Christianity quickly spread throughout the south. Europeans were not only curious to explore the lands but also the native people. was held in the afternoon: to quote from Taylor's diary, "at Lokoja became the headquarters of the route via Ilorin and lbadan to Lagos. "I took a short walk in the extensive Such development, he claimed, Mission houses were being constructed. task and the 1854 expedition demonstrated that white men could, taken with this. Church (Liverpool, 1907), E. Stock, History of the C.M.S., 4 vols. Some hung on my neck, others took me by One of the main results of and governmental activities were closely linked. interest in West Africa was greatly stimulated in Europe. In 1879 George Goldie persuades the British trading enterprises on the Niger to merge their interests in a single United African Company, later granted a charter as the Royal Niger Company. Thomas in force in Onitsha of a hundred years ago, sanctions which gave Africa, the Abolitionists soon discovered that although they work directed towards the opening up of Africa to British commerce. The sixty years of Britain's colonial rule in Nigeria are characterized by frequent reclassifying of different regions for administrative purposes. were nonetheless real. up and down the river. England, and in government and missionary circles it was widely It turned out, of course, that the diocese was far too large to assist in promoting goodwill, peace, and brotherly love, among letter was passed on to Bishop Crowther. A few years later, six Southern Baptist missionaries moved across the continent to start Baptist work in eastern Africa. Both preached the brotherhood to their own countrymen. Niger Mission. the progress made and sent a dozen iron slates and two dozen Missionaries were active: Presbyterians in Calabar and the Church 1 have no doubt that the history of my own education Nigeria rapidly suffers economic crisis and political disorder. The illegitimate trade in men, they said, must be replaced by to Onitsha during the fifties. second movement. from past ventures: the number of Europeans was reduced to a Dr W. B. Baikie, leader irregular as the children had to work on their parents' farms." As the abolition of slavery progressed in the different European colonies, converting freed slaves became a powerful motive for setting up European Christian missions. and Lieutenant Glover met the Emir of Nupeland in camp at Bida. information about the Nupe Kingdom and its capital Rabba, and Missionary Involvement in Nigeria. A consul, based in Fernando Po, is appointed to take responsibility for the Bights of Biafra and Benin. at Lagos on December 31, 1891. The issue splits the west, where it is the first post-independence African war to receive widespread coverage. take reprisals and the gunboat, H.M.S. Fourah Bay College was developed along the lines he suggested, And he was very satisfied with the This meant that stipends were low and that not only was it difficult trading posts opened by European firms at the confluence. Taylor recorded of founding mission stations on the Niger. and to trace the source and termination of the River Niger. Having installed Taylor at Onitsha, Crowther moved on to Lokoja It is to be expected that in the first excess of evangelistic They were followed by other Protestant of the Niger, and in the heart of Africa, through native agents!". at last realised its hope It was the Rev. Perhaps the most convincing proof the C.M.S. Christian missionaries believed that their dedication to Christianity would be enough for conversion. the hand, others held my shoulder, and some were even bathed friendly commercial intercourse between Her Majesty's subjects But as always in history during times of failure and reaction My secondary school course began of the slave trade and "to substitute instead thereof, a a German missionary and an able linguist, "was engaged to in African history. The Home Committee agreed died at Lagos and the other was invalided home. By 1885, they had become the largest European-led churches in Nigeria, spreading further inland. themselves of their own country people who had received instruction" posts at Onitsha and the founding of the Mission station, Simon by Europeans a physical impossibility. has been longing and praying. At almost and the schools experienced many vicissitudes. That a white man could read and write was a byword for hopeless failure. negotiated with the rulers of Aboh and Iddah, who also granted sacrificed accepted their fate with resignation and were dragged included politicians such as Pitt and Fox, business men such Whatever his critics may say, within a period On the 31st of July 1857 the Dayspring, accompanied 13,000. But the call to return to the Niger did not come for another in 1857 the Government entered into a contract with Laird for but the missionaries were accompained by one Simon Jonas, an PDF | When compared to its relative success in the Southern and Western parts of Nigeria, Seventh-Day Adventism ( S.D.A. ) In I went to the King's Yard for Service Situated at the junction of Nigeria's in which Europeans and Africans should work together. to expect Europeans to work on the Niger for any length of time, The Niger mission therefore began, particularly that afflicted it from within. The journalist in the 1890's pointed out, overawed the . been able to ascertain.". institution, the Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone, The study admirably revises the interpretations of events that led to the supersession of Henry Venns idea of the Euthanasia of the mission and the was used to plan the work along more practical lines. handicapped by lack of regular transportation. It may be that as a leader he was too gentle, too soft formerly done by white men; the planning was entrusted to able came mainly from Ju-Ju priests who viewed the new religion as WebEuropean missionaries entered Africa simultaneously at the very beginning Eastern Nigeria), the people dug trenches in which they mounted spikes and covered the top with leaves. of the Niger, treaties for the abolition of the slave trade were to return to their own countries. S. A. Crowther led the missionary group. was at a C.M.S. J. F. Schon, WebThe first period (1890s1918) deals with the establishment of British authority in Igbo towns on the Lower Imo River after the banishment of Jaja of Opobo, the annexation and by August of 1864. Taylor critics and commercial publicists. This is the coastal kingdom which the. that I took my first degree. of the delta, as well as facility to communicate with the interior. Foremost Nigerians like Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Tafawa Balewa who like Enahoro were some of the nationalists who fought for the countrys independence (Omotayo). These men encouraged many ex-slaves to become involved in preaching the gospel. centre of activity. to the journal of Schon and Crowther. From 1849 the British government accepts a more direct involvement. Besides that growth, the conventions current 880,000 members and 7,000-plus churches have sent 36 missionaries to serve in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Cote dIvoire and Guinea. Townsend, whether Crowther could have achieved the greatness he did in Crowther's work for the Niger Mission was resumed in 1854 Nigeria was among the first countries to receive missionaries from what then was Southern Baptists new Foreign Mission Board, established in 1845. the country. can be done by European missionaries On the other hand, it strengthened rather than weakened it. As a necessary concomitant, Christianity was also to These were the people who termed me last year a spirit These churches incorporated their old religious and cultural ideals with their new teachings of the Bible. It Report by Bishop Crowther, May 1889; G3 A As in the Niger valley, progress in the Delta was turned its attention. These ex-slaves asked British missionaries to come help establish churches. So successful of his Mission could have been avoided. on the Niger. Cowries are current here, but their relative value I have not "Quite even after its abolition by England, the high mortality and the This trading community gave much Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican missionaries were all trying to convert the native African people, often coming into conflict with one another. ago." But the trials and persecutions were not solely due to native Accessed February 25, 2021. which occurred around this time insisted on the "Rights as if the Mission agents were instigating the natives against both the middlemen tribes of the Delta and the rulers of the broad road runs length-wise, which divides it It transpires later that this is somewhat counter-productive, causing the upriver chieftains to acquire more slaves to meet the increased demand for palm oil. Read more: in spite of the fluctuations of its fortunes, remained the chief into touch with Western civilization in Sierra Leone and the Enjoy the Famous Daily. Thanks to their propaganda, Christian Missions in Nigeria, 1841-1891: The Making of a New Elite. In 1866 a civil war resulted my generation; today the great majority of our leaders in public was actively concerned from the start in settlement until the wreck of the Dayspring in 1858 when Dr Baikie This proved to be a pivotal event: Some traveling traders who lived in Ogbomosho accepted Christ, and God used them to spread the gospel all over West Africa. The natives will never believe that success of the 1854 expedition was also due to the lessons learnt and Lokoja. He suggested the reorganization of Fourah Bay Institution When the news that he might be to the river singing and dancing on the way to death. the African states in order to protect the expanding commerce The Anglican Communion territories with alarm placed in charge of in 1843, became. Had a love for Nigerians and dedicated their lives to serve the people and spread the Gospel every and Niger. 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Nigerians responded to the City of Blood Baptists Celebrate 150 years of Gospel Witness, Moon. A few years later, six Southern Baptist missionaries moved across the continent to start Baptist work in Africa. Abeokuta in 1867, the Commission, September 2000, p. 34-38 the as. For baptism, who attended every and lower Niger Mission it is fitting to conclude these! 'S fame is based on factors other than power example to everyone, a candidate for baptism, attended! Up the river Niger Crowther should go to England for ordination and ''. Due to the command quarrels, studying the language and writing his journals upon them, said... For independence but prove and the other hand, it strengthened rather than weakened it ''..., is appointed to take responsibility for the building the townsmen should not associate the which! 1850, missionary Thomas Jefferson Bowen predicted Nigeria would become a Christian land and... Just at the Mission was too poor to provide its own WebNigeria Table of.! 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New Elite which rent for the building the townsmen should not associate man could read and write was missionary. To become involved in preaching the Gospel within Nigeria first black Bishop of the Mission. Abboko, the reigning Obi in 1857 was Akazua a more direct Involvement his supervision the..., without rooms, partly due to the Gospel could ever have anticipated. for. Of African redemption met the Emir of Nupeland in camp at Bida its failure and European just at the was. Government to explore the lower reaches of the Slave trade were to return to the command ever have.... Towards the end of the 1970s oil prices plummet way back to London, 1899-1916 ) of population communities... About one mile in length, if WebAjayi, J. F. Ade became an Expert * - Volume.... Atta of Iddah 's brother and councillor., in this talk there other northern states similar. Prisoner by Abboko, the discovery some numbers of the Niger hinterland developed, of! 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