This allows you to connect on a day to day basis and they can keep one on track in that way. The negative manifestation ofOgundais destruction without intent. Ika, the Controller- means drawing in or pulling together. Infectious disease can also be a symptom of an unhealthy relationship with Nature and the immediate environment. Chief Alaje uses his platform to unify communities in the United States, the Caribbean, South America and Africa. Next, we show the 16 Odu of the oracular subsystem of IF. I'm still learning and I'm content with my pace, because that is what Ifa* says it should be. The pataki relates that Shango was a recognized If priestOne day, unsatisfied with what If had given him, he took a knife and broke the receptacle in two. Acceptance of these technologies will allow us and our partners to process personal data such as browsing behavior or unique identifications (IDs) on this site. Ikain a positive manifestation can be the source of personal power used for protection, healing, transformation and the creation of abundance. Ifa* has saved my life. ESTE BASTONCITO SE FORRA CON CUENTAS DE ORUNMILA Y. Chief Alj is the founder of Ifa Temple The Ogundse and the Osun Temple Ile Osunfikayo. Passion can often lead to conflict. Source: UGC Ifa religion is an indigenous and earth-centered African spiritual practice. The negative aspect ofOwonrinis unexpected disruption destroying a weak foundation. OBATALA le contest: Yo lo que tengo es hambre, porque nadie me da de comer y nadie se ocupa de mi. tenga cuidado con chismes, porque siempre lo va a tener encima djelo correr; usted est guerreando, y despus que usted gane esa guerra es cuando va a coger miedo, tenga cuidado con una tragedia donde puede haber sangre o intervenga la justicia; usted tiene que recibir a ORUNMILA; tenga mucho ojo con una trampa; usted est en pacto con tres personas donde pueda intervenir la justicia haga EBO para que salga bien; a usted le gusta dormir desnudo, no lo haga que lo atrasa, a usted se le aflojan las piernas y tiene problemas con la vista. These are two of the most important resources forIfadivination. Posted by: ayangalu The human immune system uses disease as a cleansing process. the negative manifestation ofOturuponis the spread of disease past its healthy function of cleansing the body. When a baby is born there is an end of a cycle of living in the womb. 16. Guarda mi nombre, correo electrnico y web en este navegador para la prxima vez que comente. vii) Obara Meji: Obara is the Odu that incarnates humility in the struggle with arrogance. It says the solidification of the past lays the foundation for that which is to come. Irosun,the Resounding Osun- is the Yoruba word for menstrual blood. It is a ideological, mythological and sapiential source that indicates the predictions with the knowledge accumulated in patakies (stories), myths, proverbs and popular sayings of Osha-If. Interest. He teaches in a way that is easy to understand and he knows and respects all branches of Yoruba* tradition. In both Oracles, taking individual responsibility is a paramount pre-requisite for Spiritual development. POR ESTE ODDUN HAY UN ESPIRITU QUE FUE MEDICO. Just as the Tanakh, Christian Bible and Koran are considered to be sacred texts,sotoo, is the Holy Odu of West Africa. Be sure to honor and fellowship with your ancestors daily and contact Chief Alaje about how you can begin this process. As a rule of consciousness, egotism is based on an inflated sense of self. The person governed by this sign: Not controlled and not judged. Aqu : Habla de abandono o botar los guerreros. Your email address will not be published. Key Phrase:Ofuncreates the answer to prayers manifesting as a miracle. OBRA EMPLEANDO A OYA, PARA PEDIRLE MARIDO Y DINERO: --------------------------------------------------, SE LE PONEN A OYA NUEVE PANES DE GLORIA, UNA JICARA CON CERVEZA Y SE. The ability of Ifa* to give me the wisdom and guidance to successfully navigate through my life journey is unparalleled. l slo debe ofrecer sacrificio. However, our spiritual health and well being are often neglected. IFA/Orisa Pillar. In conjunction with staying on your path through the guidance of Ifa it is also important to recognize the Orisa. 10. Storage or technical access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. How to read, interpret and apply these wisdom teachings. The Grand Priest of Ifa, the Babalawo or Iyanifas are the Priests and Priestesses of the Ifa Oracle that receive and decode the meaning of the Divine Messages contained in the Odu Ifa Parables that are transmitted to them using a Divination Chain known as Opele or the Sacred Palm or Kola Nuts on a Wooden Divination Tray called the Opon Ifa. The first are the 16 Meji, or Oju Od. If the immune system is weak, disease can lead to disability and death. - Con la verdad se gana, aunque el enemigo quiera quitrsela. ", "It's hard to put into words how much Ifa* and r* worship has meant to my life. El rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioYa que el acreedor del cielo vendr a exigirle por su dineroEllos le aconsejaron a rnml que ofreciera sacrificioEllos dijeron A Cualquiera que el acreedor del cielo no venga a pedirle dineroLa vida de esa persona no sera buenal realiz el sacrificioUna vez que hizo el sacrificiol tuvo una esposal tuvo un hijoAs, que los hijos son los acreedores son del cielo?No saba hacer ningn trabajoPero si saba cmo comerEl mismo da que naci en el mundoComenz a chupar los pechos de su madreDesde ese da el padre comenzaba a darle dineroDesde ese da que la madre comenzaba a incurrir en los gastos en lY todas las parejasCuando l madure, ellos cosecharn la inversinIf dice que el nio es el acreedor del cielol empez a bailar y a regocijarsel estaba alabando a su BabalwosSus Babalwos estaban alabando a Ifl dijo que fue exactamente como sus Babalwos haban dichoEl rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioPara que el acreedor del cielo vendra a exigirle su dineroQuin es el acreedor del cielo?El hijo de unoEs el acreedor del cieloEl hijo de uno. Eyiogbe. . Key Phrase:Osecreates abundance through prayer. Aqu tiene que ser celoso para seleccionar sus amistades. SE LE PONE UN COLLARCITO DE BANDERA. NOTA: Por este If se le dan 16 eyel fun fun a ODUDUWA por salud. In the odun Ofun Ogunda the religious must be very clear when carrying out any type of consecration so that in the future he does not commit the lack of respect of leaving Orula aside. QUE USTED TIENE QUE EVITAR TODA CLASE DE CUESTIONE Y SI USTED VA AL, CAMPO NO SE INTERNE DENTRO DEL MONTE NI DEJE QUE LE CAIGA UN AGUACERO. You will always be blessed because of how you give without condition. Key Phrase:Irosuncreates fulfillment of potential. Ogunda,the Creator- is an elision ofOgun dameaning the Spirit of Iron creates. El signo Ogunda Osa seala: Este If se llama ogunda atravesado porque cuenta la historia que OLOFIN haba prohibido el paso por un camino y OGUN paso por l, donde la gente le dijo a Olodumare, OGUN viol la ley y Olodumare respondi: Djenlo que lo haga; si l quiere perder el sentido de la vida, que halle el sentido de la muerte. - Se van uno a uno y de los mejores. LERI DE AYAPA, DOS MUSLOS DE OTRA AYAPA, EL CORAZON Y LAS TRIPAS. But, I knew it was always there. Tambin te puede interesar:Signo de Ifa Osa Meyi. Ogundais symbolized by the idea of clearing a path or opening a road. Ifa teaches that every person chooses a destiny before returning to earth in the cycle of reincarnation (atunwa). I will be honest, I didnt know right away how strong it was. Se coge una ikok de barro, se le pinta interiormente por los lados la siguiente atena de If: OSHE TURA, OGUNDA MASA, OTURA SHE. Humans decided to break the promise and started to kill the birds and eat them. ELEBO AKARAN NIRA ESHU EYE EURU ONI SHANGO, OLO NINSHAWO ARA AWO ERI ARABAYE ISHU AGARA ADIE LEBO. The Orisa (r in Yoruba) are the deities of the Yoruba religion. Ose Meji says that if this person can sacrifice, they will soon find a spouse, birth children and receive a financial increase. When we decided to come to Earth we told the creator all that we were going to achieve and accomplish during our time here. This guide, created by the Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library with funding from the Atla OER Grant Program, exists as an Open Educational Resource on "African Traditional Religions: Ifa." 15. The sixteen holyoju odus. Ifateaches that all things in the universe have some form of consciousness. Irete, the Crusher- is an elision ofire temeaning to press or create good fortune. Ogunda Tetura. Physics also teaches that seemingly random effects show signs of order when viewed from a distance. And Ifa said that no matter the situation we may found ourselves, we should have believe in Ifa because Ifa can rescue us from any tribulation. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 256 Odu Ifa ~ Ifa Religion - Religion - Nairaland. PERSONA QUE DICE QUE A USTED LE HA PASASDO UNA COSA POR ALGO QUE HIZO; USTED TIENE QUE CUIDARSE DONDE VIVE; USTED QUIERE IR AL CAMPO, TENGA, CUIDADO NO REGRESE ENFERMO, USTED LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO UN ASUNTO A OTRA, PERSONA QUE LO VA A HACER QUEDAR MAL; TENGA CUIDADO CON UNA INCADA EN, LA MANO; DELE GRACIAS A ORUNMILA; NO DESPRECIE AL QUE VAYA A SU CASA; A, USTED LE HA DE ENTRAR MUCHO TRABAJO; TENGA CUIDADO CON UN DOCUMENTO QUE, USTED VA A FIRMAR PORQUE HAY UNA TRAMPA; EN SU CASA HAY QUIEN LO VELA, PARA CUANDO USTED SALGA ROBARLE; NO SEA FIADOR DE NADIE; NO PORFIE, POR, AHI LE VIENE UN DINERO, USTED TIENE UN HIJO QUE SE LE VA A PERDER O EL, VAN A PRENDER; A USTED SU FAMILIA LA DABA POR PERDIDO; USTED ESTA, LLAMADO A HACER SANTO; USTED ES ALGO COBARDE; USTED SOO CON ORGUN Y, OLOFIN Y ELLOS QUIEREN ALGO, NO SE DESESPERE POR ALGUIEN Y DELE GRACIAS. Literally. AKUKO , TAMBOR, JICOTEA, FLECHA OWO LA MEFA, TANTU EFA HONDA. A seal is anything irreversible such as birth. When this stubbornness is directed towards inappropriate goals it becomes the foundation for resistance to change. Ogbe as an expression of spiritual growth represents perfect alignment with destiny. 6. He has taught me that r* worship is not just a religion but a total philosophy and way of life. The head is where memories are stored, so by protecting the head, Osun preserves the past. If Yoruba religion is based on oral literature scriptures known as Odu If or the Ifa corpus. Your email address will not be published. ODE, BOGBO TENUYEN BOBAYE OLUWO LAKI OYUGBONA LABERO ADIFAFUN APOTIN SHOMO, BINI ORUNMILA OMA URE LEBO. 5. In Ogbe Ofun, it means that the person is in alignment with their destiny and is receiving blessings as a result of the effectiveness of their prayers and spiritual discipline. In the past year, I've established a formal relationship with Chief Skou Alj as my Olwo* (personal Ifa diviner). La situacin en casa de OLOFIN se puso crtica y OLOFIN alarmado mand a buscar a ORUNMILA, ste antes de salir se hizo Osode y se vi este If (Ogunda Masa), hizo EBO y las dos eyel fun fun tena llevarlas consigo. - Se pierde la posicin por terquedad. v) Irosun Meji: Irosun Meji occupies the fifth position within the order of Odu Ifa in Yorubaland. These prayers are accompanied with offerings that have been specifically prescribed by rnml to bring atonement and balance in the universe attracting all blessings to manifest. Click below to accept the above or make more detailed choices. No puede engordar porque se detruye. Ya el guila tena consagrado a If, pero no fue ms iworo, sino Aw solo vigilante de If. For example Osun represents the spiritual energy of the river, Sango represents the spiritual energy of fire. vi) Owonrin Meji: Owonrin means brought by the hands. The temple is headed by Babalawo Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode and Apetebi Oyaseye Fakayode. OTURUPON MEJI. Si es obin: puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, haga obras para que no suceda esto; usted est preso para el santo o para If; usted tiene un Egn que lo puede tirar de una escalera haga paraldo para quitrselo. "br by b*. As a Force in NatureOsahas a cleansing transforming effect. Tambin te puede interesar:Tratado del Odun Ogunda Meyi. si este If se le ve a una obin: en ikofafun o vista: se le debe decir que puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, lo cual debe atenderse rpidamente, y darse lavados vaginales con raz de jiba.Cuando se ve este If: se le dice a la persona que tiene abandonado a los guerreros o los bot. Religious workers have few English resources, and the creative approach taken in this book will heighten its appeal to those involved in the faith's divination practices. From the very first conversation, I just knew that feeling that I was feeling from a child was actually the voice and comfort of Ifa*. POR ESTE. In psychological terms this is called individualization. #NigeriaElections2023: Presidential Election results in Each state 2023 Registered, Accredited, Total Valid & Total rejected Votes, Check out Top 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 5 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 4 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 3 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 2 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos). The temple is a place of of Ifa, Orisa, and Ogboni worship. ogbe yono kiripueke Rezo: obara meyi onibara olobara ellebara quicate awo adifafun oropo tonche. InIfathe end of life on earth marks the beginning of life in the realm of the ancestors (Orun). NOTA: En este If el Aw coge una flauta de pan la abre al medio y se la presenta a OBATALA, la besa y la reza de lante de la puerta de la calle y le dice: As como la tiosa encuentra su comida, as yo tengo que encontrar la ma. Ose Meji says this person must make a sacrifice. As African people in the Diaspora whose ancestors were forcibly removed from our culture and values, its been a miracle 500 years in the making to reconnect to the power and wisdom of African spirituality. Created by Will Coleman, Ph.D. and Brad Ost. Osa Ogund - Itan de If 10-3* "To fight and stir up dust like Buffalo" was the one who cast Ifa for Hunter. 3.- la ceremonia de ir a sacar a oggun del monte cuando se va a coronar a un hijo de oggun. Thank you, Baba*. 11. SymbolicallyOseis associated with fresh water. If proverbs, stories, and poetry are not written down. Ifa is not only a religion, but also a collection of If spiritual traditions, timeless wisdom, cultural and historical information. ORUNMILA as lo hizo y cuando lleg al il de OLOFIN se encontr con el portero que estaba tirado en el piso y le pregunt por OLOFIN y ste le contest en mala forma, para que se fuera de all, pero ORUNMILA insisti y le pregunt a OBATALA: Seor usted est enfermo ?. MEN Empowerment. OGUNDA MASA AWARA WARA SOKONDE AWARAWARA LOYERE AWARA WARA OLORUN AYO ADIFAFUNGUNUGUN NI AUNDI EBO KERE. Acceptance of these technologies will allow us and our partners to process personal data such as browsing behavior or unique identifications (IDs) on this site. El Santo es el ser que nunca cae, y OLOFIN siempre habla de pie. You can change your settings at any time, including withdrawing your consent, by using the Cookie Policy buttons or by clicking the Privacy icon at the bottom of the screen. En este camino OBATALA era portero de OLOFIN pero como nadie se ocupaba de l ni lo atendan como era debido, comenz a sentir la escasez en la casa y era porque todos los que iban a preguntarle por OLOFIN con el fin de dejar algo bueno, l lo desviaba con algun pretexto. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Por este If Aw OGUNDA MASA tiene una marca en el cuerpo, y no debe engordar porque se detruye. In addition to servicing two cities,Ile Ogundase travels to major cities throughout the United States providing education and healing to people within the community. The storage or technical access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. 3. wre: Ifa will watch over everyone of us and deliver us from evil and problems. 14. Within the spectrum, we can makes choices affecting the way our potential becomes manifest. Tambin te puede interesar:Tratado del Odu Obara Bogbe. Oturupon, the Bearer- is the manifestation of infectious disease. The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs ofOduIfaare as follows: 1. A Babalawo interprets the Oddun of If in correspondence with the reality that lives, as explained by many expert anthropologists. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. Orisa worship is connecting to the spiritual energy of a particular aspect of nature. Odu Ifa Osa Ogunda There-were-no-living-things Was the priest on earth That-which-was-suspended But-did-not-descend Was the priest in heaven All-was-just-empty-space With-no-substance Was the priest of Mid-Air It was divined for Aiye and Orun* When they both exited With no inhabitants In the two empty snail shells, Ifa The true Religion of Yorubas.Sixteen is the number of cosmos. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Ifateaches that if a person is unsure about their destiny they should live in alignment with the principles of good character because everyone is believed to be inherently good. AQUI LA PERSONA TIENE TRASCENDENCIA DE PRENDAS DE ANTEPASADOS Y HERENCIAS, HAY UN EGGUN QUE DESTRUIRA A TODA LA FAMILIA SINO SE ATIENDE, CON IRE ASHEGUN OTA: EL AKUKO DEL EBBO DIRECTAMENTE A OGUN. AQUI OLOFIN MALDIJO A TODAS LAS RELIGIONES QUE NO FUERAN IFA. Fue donde ORUNMILA le dijo al Cielo que era inmenso pero no crecen las hierbas. ARISHA NISHA NITO OGUN y tira las dos mitades del pan para la calle, una a la derecha y la otra a la izquierda. Doing good in this world to which you come, you enjoy the satisfaction of having been a correct person and have nothing to reproach yourself for. Storage or technical access is necessary to create user profiles to deliver advertising, or to track the user across one or multiple websites for similar marketing purposes. Se prepara un ikok de barro, donde se le ponen las generales de todos los familiares, 21 ig y las siete herramientas de OGUN. Cudese los riones porque puede padecer de clculos renales. - Se hace el bobo para bien y para mal. In negative terms conflict can lead to more conflict and defeat. To seal something in a ceremony is to guarantee it will manifest. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 1.- LA GUERRA CON VIVO ES MALO, CON MUERTO ES PEOR. Humans are born with a spectrum of potential that cannot be changed. Ifateaches that if a person lives in harmony with their destiny Nature will provide a blessing of long life, abundance and family. SPIRITUAL CONSULTATION (READING) & SPIRITUAL RESOLUTION (EBO). Storage or technical access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences not requested by the subscriber or user. There are a number of methods used in Nigeria to organize Odu so there is no correct way to do it; there is only the way of your lineage. Por este If a la persona le gusta dormir desnuda. He is also a coronated Chief in Osogbo, Yoruba Land, Nigeria. Ogunda Meji Odu Ifa Ogunda meji odu ifa speaks about plenty of ire (blessings) for the person to which this odu was revealed. Download Free PDF View PDF. An aspiring Babalawo must learn AT LEAST four verses from each of the 256 chapters (Odu) of Ifa. But not only that, Chief Alj has helped me to deepen my practice in profound ways. When the 16 Odu Ifa are combined, a total of 256 Odu emerges which is essentially a collection of 16 Odu, each of which has sixteen alternatives that are believed to reference all situations, circumstances, actions and consequences in life. Ifateaches that spiritual growth occurs as a result of balance between the head and the heart known ason tutu(harmony between thought and emotion). Chief Alj comes from a rich ancestral lineage of healers, root workers, sacred musicians and African priests. The temple is located in Arcata, Northern California. Humans will never become stronger than the Forces of Nature that created human consciousness. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. POR ESTE IFA EL AWO NO ANDA SOLO PORQUE LE QUIEREN ROBAR. Utilizing all the information revealed by rnml in the spiritual consultation, Chief Alj will perform an Ebo(Spiritual Resolution), calling upon the spiritual power of rnml, to dissolve the negative aspects revealed in the consultation and praying for the positive aspects to be fortified and dominant in one's life. Content licensed CC-BY-NC 4.0. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2020 Poltica de Cookies, La mano de Orula: La iniciacin en la Santera, Osha e Ifa. And Ifa said that no matter the situation we may found ourselves, we should have believe in Ifa because Ifa can rescue us from any tribulation. 7. This is apparent because both the Metu Neter and Ifa Oracles are directed at achieving Righteous Living and Divine Purpose through how one approaches the problems of everyday life. Nothing happens by chance. 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