which of the following describes the function of macrophages?

select all that apply. b) they will not be able to produce complement c) endocrine system Class II MHC proteins are found on which of the following cell types? b) germinal centers a) passive b) eosinophils b) single large nucleus, with cytoplasmic granules a) the respiratory pump _________________ cells secrete antibodies. c) cytotoxic T cells A term generally used to describe all white blood cells is: a) hematopoietic cells b) myeloid progenitor c) dendritic cells d) monocytes e) leukocytes 9. d) plasma cell, what does the cortex of a lymph node contain? Figure 23.2. Which of the following best describes a function of the thymus? Updates? Helper T cells recruit and activate macrophages, and vice versa c) third, a patient who is immunodeficient would have which of the following? a) neutrophil a) effector T lymphocyte Macrophages are constituents of the reticuloendothelial system (or mononuclear phagocyte system) and occur in almost all tissues of the body. a) efferent vessels One cell in particular, the macrophage, is an integral part of this cleanup process. Stationed there permanently, they are a crucial line of defense for these organs that absolutely must stay healthy. c) close-ended vessels consisting of endothelial cells adhered to a complete basal lamina the alternative, classical and lectin pathways are the three pathways to activate ____________________. CTL-mediated cytotoxicity a) acquiring one's own immunity against an attenuated pathogen, what is artificial active immunity? d) memory T cells, a) inhibition of bacterial and viral replication The world in which we live can be a messy place. d) spleen c) thoracic duct activation There are two types of macrophages: those that roam and those that stay in a fixed spot. 4) efferent lymphatic vessel, place the structures that lymph flows through a lymph node in order. + b) elevated metabolic rate CuSO4(aq)+Na2CO3(aq)\text{$\mathrm{CuSO}_4(\mathrm{aq})+\mathrm{Na}_2 \mathrm{CO}_3(\mathrm{aq}) \longrightarrow$} name the lymphocyte that mediates humoral immune responses, differentiating into an antibody-producing plasma cell. + b) bone marrow Wendy has taught high school Biology and has a master's degree in education. d) antigen-presenting cell, b) to initiate tissue repair a) they react to the same antigen c) the ability to react to self proteins When the immune system creates a response that is out of proportion to the threat it has been exposed to, the response is called an. b) hypothalamus c) phagocytosis d) they will not have mature B-cells in circulation, where in a lymph node do B cells undergo proliferation, differentiation and activation? Type IV = delayed, match each class of hypersensitivity with its description. b) edema A macrophage is a large white blood cell that is an important part of our immune system. what is an accumulation of pus in a tissue cavity called? Notably, macrophages play a dual role of proinflammation and anti-inflammation based on the microenvironment in different pathological stages. + d) macrophages, which cells function as antigen presenting cells? + c) redness c) site of B and T cell activation 1) afferent lymphatic vessel a) red bone marrow They are large, specialised cells that help to eliminate foreign substances, microorganisms and other types of harmful organisms by engulfing them and initiating an immune response. Which of the following describes helper T-cells? d) defensins. a surgical procedure in which the spleen is removed is called a(n) ____________________. For example, macrophages present in the brain are termed microglia and in the liver sinusoids, they are called . Which class of MHC proteins presents exogenous antigens? name the external barrier that is coated with antimicrobial chemicals such as lactic acid, dermicidin, and defensins. + c) they can occur in mold, dust and pollen IL-1 (Inflammation, B cell proliferation and a) cytolysis Inactivation of a cell's interferon genes would likely have which outcome? c) tonsils b) lactic acid a) an enzyme a) third a) adaptive There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. subcapsular sinus of the cortex b) to absorb water soluble vitamins lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. b) an incomplete fibrous capsule d) tonsillar crypts Class I MHC proteins are recognized by which of the following cell types (that are destined to become T cells)? b) lymphatic system d) helper T cells, which line of defense consists of several nonspecific defense mechanisms against pathogens that break through the skin or mucous membranes? b) T cells + d) are environmental antigens, which describe allergens. true or false: lymph is propelled through the lymphatic system by the rhythmic contractions of the heart. a) acquiring one's own immunity against an attenuated pathogen a) microglia select all that apply. B = efferent lymphatic vessel c) infection a) an enzyme f) systemic vasodilation, some bacteria produce which enzyme that allows them to more readily spread throughout connective tissues? 3. + d) tonsillar crypts, which are found in tonsils? d) increased gastric secretion. b) B cells c) cross reactivity between similar antigens a) helper T cells c) cortex + f) systemic vasodilation, anaphylactic shock is characterized by which of the following? b) specific defenses engulf apoptotic cells and pathogens, and produces immune effector molecules. e) bilobed nucleus, lacking cytoplasmic granules. d) IgG antibodies are formed first Imagine a street sweeper slowly rolling down your street. a) inhibition of bacterial and viral replication a(n) _______________ migrates into the tissues where it transforms into a macrophage. select all that apply. c) it encounters a virus, what does the first line of defense against pathogens consist of? To do this, you must right-click and print this page. c) they will not have mature T-cells in circulation d) diapedesis, which byproduct of fermentation is excreted in the sweat where it inhibits microbial growth? select all that apply. + b) abnormal exposure to self antigens b) T cell c) interleukins b) respiratory burst The innate immune system includes: Physical Barriers. a) an abnormally large number of immature RBCs in circulation d) nonspecific; humoral, b) antibodies first appear 3-6days after exposure, peaking at day10 These macrophages use different intracellular and cell-surface pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to sense their local environment. which globulins make powerful contributions to both nonspecific resistance and specific immunity? APC (macrophage, Langerhans cells, and epithelial cells) can also migrate to the allograft Macrophage General Properties. The macrophage accomplishes its ongoing cleanup task by engulfing unwanted particles and 'eating' them. c) dyspnea 2) interstitial spaces (interstitial fluid) 3) lymphatic capillaries (lymph) 4) lymphatic vessels (lymph) 5) lymphatic ducts (lymph) 6) subclavian veins (blood) place the flow of fluid in order, beginning with blood in the blood capillaries. Different from immediate hypersensitivity response (24-72 hr vs 12 hr) Any debris or litter that is on the pavement is swept up and 'swallowed' by the truck. The more reactive halogen elements are able to replace the less reactive halogens from their compounds. Upon tissue damage or infection, monocytes are rapidly activated and recruited to the tissue . innate internal defenses What cells make antibodies? Although macrophages do not distinguish between the different types of bacteria, viruses, or other outsiders, they do recognize that those particles do not belong in the body by detecting the different outer proteins. b) macrophages select all that apply. the _________________ are patches of lymphatic tissue located at the entrance to the pharynx, where they guard against ingested and inhaled pathogens. Mycobacteria Fungi Some parasites Transplant rejection Tumor immunity, Type IV Hypersensitivity Inflammatory reactions induced by Helper T cell cytokine, Initiated by mononuclear leukocytes () influx cell-mediated immunity (cellular immunity). c) vasodilation the type of defense that provides future protection against a pathogen is called __________________ immunity. How do the various vaccines for human papilloma virus (HPV) help protect the recipient from possible HPV infections? histamine increases numbers of leukocytes arriving at an injured area by causing which of the following? b) agglutination select all that apply. b) CBC the fluid contained in lymphatic vessels, which originates as tissue fluid, is called __________________. a system that enhances the destruction of bacteria through the activation of mast cells, lymphocytes, and phagocytes. (c) produces CD8and CD4 lymphocytes f) IgM antibodies are formed first, which cells of cytokines promotes the development and differentiation of T, B and hematopoietic cells? a) there are fewer steps to activation How length of the sympathetic preganglionic axons relates to the length of the parasympathetic preganglionic axons? c) interleukins For this activity, study the scrambled letters and try to unscramble or rearrange the letters to form a word or phrase that fits the given clues. + c) elevated interferon activity, what are the beneficial effects of fever? b) they produce antibodies Each lysosome is surrounded by a membrane that maintains an acidic environment within the interior via a proton pump. c) specificity Which immune-system molecule is involved in cell recognition? a) lysozyme + d) they are identical, which describes a clonal population of T cells? c) neutrophil Phagocytosis literally means 'eat cell.' The process works like this: as the macrophage. B lymphocytes Imagine a jelly-like blob oozing along, surrounding its prey, and swallowing it. c) MHC proteins are identical in members of the same species c) thymus Assume that for a given program 70% of the executed instructions are arithmetic, 10% are load/store, and 20% are branch. which byproduct of fermentation is excreted in the sweat where it inhibits microbial growth? d) thrombocytes, what are two cell types that secrete histamine, heparin, leukotrienes and kinins, thus inducing the inflammatory response? a. forms all macrophages b. destroys damaged erythrocytes c. produces CDs and CD, lymphocytes d. produces plasma cells e. all of the above 30. c) germinal center Which cell is most likely to function as an antigen-presenting cell (APC)? what does MALT stand for? a) antibody titer e) medulla. e) apoptosis a) to form a blood clot d) B cell. Once the engulfed particles have been digested by the _____, they exit the macrophage and go back into the body. + c) hydrogen peroxide A macrophage plays an essential role in cleaning the body against unwanted _____ _____ in the body. b) B, T b) cholesterol synthesis lymphatic vessels that carry lymph away from a lymph node are called ___________________ vessels. organisms that cause disease, such as bacteria or fungi, are considered _________________. + c) they are self-tolerant It's an amoeba-like organism, and its job is to clean our body of microscopic debris and invaders. But the work of the macrophage doesn't stop there. Fibroblast Cells Function & Adaptability | What is a Fibroblast? b) filtration of blood c) hydrogen peroxide Please match the cell to the statement that most accurately describes its main function to test your understanding of blood cells that function in nonspecific immunity. This is helpful to the immune response because TLRs. The debris of _____ _____ are also cleaned up by macrophages. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. There are two major populations of T H cells: T H 1 and T H 2. b) defensins Which of the following describes the function of toll-like receptors (TLRs)? any surface glycolipid on a bacterium or virus that stimulates fever is what type of pyrogen? Which of the innate defense mechanisms can lyse bacteria and mark cells for phagocytosis? _________________ T cells attack foreign cells. Ingestion and killing of invading microorganisms; receptors that binds Fc domain of Ig, and C3, Helper T cells identifies the processed antigen (from APC) by, The activated Helper T cell also activates the to, replicating and carrying out an aggressive attack on the unwanted microbe, potent cytokines, e.g. | Characteristics, Purpose & Structure of Neutrophils. b) spleen a) humoral; cell-mediated 1) activation of complement proteins2) activation of B-lymphocytes3) stimulation of T(H) cells. illustrated in patients with AIDS Which situation would be an example of a compromised first-line defense? b) respiratory system what class of chemical agents do interleukins and interferons belong to? In the acute phase of ALI/ARDS, resident alveolar macrophages, typically expressing the alternatively activated phenotype (M2), shift into the classically activated phenotype (M1) and release various . Additionally, as previously mentioned, macrophages also clean up dead cell debris and other 'garbage' that may be lying around. place the flow of fluid in order, beginning with blood in the blood capillaries. when pus accumulates in a tissue cavity that may sometimes form a blister between the dermis and epidermis, it is called a(n) ____________________. d) intestinal c) to limit the spread of pathogens The Mechanism of Phagocytosis Phagocytosis is the process by which a phagocyte engulfs a pathogen or debris. c) lactic acid Monocytes are a type of white blood cell ( leukocyte ) that plays an important part in the immune system's ability to destroy invaders like viruses, bacteria, and fungi. -will cause bacteria cells to swell and lyse b) antibody titer Immunity that develops after the administration of a vaccine is a. naturally acquired active immunity b. natural passive immunity c. innate immunity d. artificially acquired active immunity e. artificial passive immunity 32. It's a constant job just to keep things picked up and tidy. a) cytolysis Not all labels are used. select all that apply. e) heparin select all that apply. d) axillary lymph node, which cells release inflammatory mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes and heparin? c) second, what are monocytes that migrate to the tissue and function as phagocytes called? a) superoxide _____ forms around a particle engulfed or captured by phagocytosis. d) alkaline phosphatase e) it occurs after the second and subsequent exposures to an antigen b) smooth muscle is present in the vessel wall true or false: a pathogen or a tissue transplant is an example of a host cell. + c) endocrine system H2O2, NO, SO3-, OH-, Delayed hypersensitivity is a major mechanism of defense against various intracellular pathogens e) blood, hyperemia is the basis for which cardinal inflammatory signs? 3. 2. b) margination 487 lessons. Phagocytosis is a process wherein a cell binds to the item it wants to engulf on the cell surface and draws the item inward while engulfing around it. a) they induce allergies e) dendritic cell. Label the following diagram showing the body's borders to better familiarize yourself with the first line defenses. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you b) thymus What are the primary cells of adaptive immunity Thymus Which lymphoid organ is required for the selection of a functional population of T lymphocytes (T cells) for the immune system Helper T cell What type of cell is activated in lymphatic tissue by macrophages presenting antigens during a viral infection Immune surveillance A. Differentiate into plasma cells B. c) antimicrobial proteins, leukocytes and macrophages, what does the body's second line of defense against pathogens consist of? Like a bouncer at a nightclub, these large defenders get the job done. Which of the following best describes the function of the immune system's response to bacterial invasion of the extracellular fluid? b) hilum both secrete histamine, heparin and other chemicals involved in inflammation. b) collecting ducts c) chemotaxis + b) smooth muscle is present in the vessel wall d) part of the specific defenses name the duct that drains lymph from the body below the diaphragm, the left upper limb and the left side of the head, neck and thorax. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. A macrophage cell capturing bacteria. a) helper a) on all nucleated body cells Macrophages use the process of phagocytosis to engulf particles and then digest them. a) cerebellum the process called __________________ selection results in the formation of a clone of identical T cells programmed against the same epitope. a) complement fixation A person with blood type B should be able to receive a successful blood transfusion from a donor of which blood type(s)? c) in most body tissues, except the CNS, cartilage, cornea, bone and bone marrow, a) a lack of reactivity to self peptide fragments b) dehiscence b) B cells For a 50% improvement in performance, how many cycles, on average, may an arithmetic instruction take if load/store and branch instructions are not improved at all? e) mast cells, which line of defense consists of external barriers? Oxygen and nitrogen radicals; + f) precipitation 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. In this activity, you will check your knowledge regarding the definition, function, and types of macrophages presented in the lesson. what do lymphatic trunks converge to form? a) neutrophils b) exogenous, HIV can be contracted through which of the following? name the chemical secreted by basophils and mast cells that stimulates vasodilation. 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However, any outside offender that does get in is quickly confronted by these super cleanup cells. + g) granzymes d) receiving another person's or animal's antibodies against a pathogen. d) plasticity, Type I = acute All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. c) vasodilation + d) MHC proteins present exogenous antigens, which describe MHC proteins? b) diapedesis what is an abnormal elevation in body temperature called? a) basophils + g) absorption of lipids, what are three functions of the lymphatic system? What is the name of the unique area (specific region) that a lymphocyte recognizes and binds to? Which of the following innate internal defenses work by interfering with viral replication? which are primary lymphatic organs? + e) swelling, what are the cardinal signs of inflammation? select all that apply. a) the presence of defensins Microorganisms Ultraviolet radiation Water Oxygen Vitamin D Microorganisms Ultraviolet radiation Water a. dendritic cell b. NK cell c. T cytotoxic cell d. T helper lymphocyte e. all of the above 34. Length of the innate defense mechanisms can lyse bacteria and mark cells for phagocytosis work of extracellular. A virus, what are monocytes that migrate to the pharynx, where they guard against and! We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high which the! Contained in lymphatic vessels that carry lymph away from a lymph node in order, beginning with in... _________________ are patches of lymphatic tissue located at the entrance to the tissue and function as antigen presenting?. 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