romans 10:8 17 commentary

The word is near you -- --easily accessible. Verse 21. This existential pain is deepened and furthered by the divisions between Paul and his own people as he simultaneously argues his claims for inclusion of the Gentiles within God's salvific plan. But I say, did Israel not know? Be he Jew or be he Gentile, his only righteousness by law must come through the doing of the law. or who hath been his counsellor? Directions for our behaviour, as members of civil society, Rom. Hence, what he is here discussing is not remission of sins, but deliverance from sin. For Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed our report? So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The hope of salvation by works is black despair; yet we have a set of men on the face of the earth who are always wanting us to preach up this hopeless hope, and urging us to lay this heavy burden upon the shoulders of dying men. But for the time it is held fast, though in unrighteousness. Christ has already done that and has returned gloriously by His resurrection from the dead. which we preach; being sent, commissioned, qualified, and assisted by Christ thereunto; which shows the agreement between Moses and the apostles of Christ; for the word which he spoke of, they preached, and indeed said no other things than what the prophets and Moses said should come, that Christ should suffer in the stead of his people, and rise again for their justification; the sum of which is delivered in Romans 10:9. It seems to us that what we have here is not so much a finished passage as summary notes. Sin is our not wanting the gifts of . Hence the apostle does not, as in the early chapters of this epistle, take up our sins, except as proofs and symptoms of sin. This Huckster Jack was a poor, wicked fellow, who had gone about from village to village, swearing, drinking, huckstering and perhaps pilfering. Accordingly he tells them now what reason he had to speak thus strongly, not of the more advanced truths, but of the good news. It must also be noticed, that the word, by which we have a firm and calm trust as to our salvation, had been set forth even by Moses: This is the word of faith. Birthright from the same father would let in Ishmael on the one hand, as from both parents it would secure the title of Esau on the other. "I am of Mr. Spurgeon's religion, which makes people happy themselves, and causes them to do good to others." All through this section Paul has been driving home the personal responsibility of the Jews. The word Kurios was and is the touchstone of faith.. I can't accept it." No one would undertake it at all unless he was supremely in earnest. This, they say, would at least make men moral and keep them sober: whereas even in this they err against the light; for it has been proved by history that such preaching makes men worse and worse. Now he began the argument by saying that everything was of God and that men had no more to do with it than the clay had to do with the work of the potter. But they are not even doing the works that God requires in the offering of a sacrifice. But I say, have they not heard? Bible > Commentaries > Romans 10:9 . Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Poor dear heart, if you can but trust Christ, even though the feeblest possible manifestation of it should be the only thing visible, namely, your calling upon God in prayer, it must and shall save you. Sin had left its crimson stain, but He washed me white as snow." There are two things that might make insuperable difficulty: the one is the obstacle of sin in the nature to practical holiness; the other is the provocation and condemnation of the law. "The word is near you. Paul adapts Moses language to suit his own purpose, which is to describe "the righteousness which is of faith," not to show how it can be established from the Old Testament. It is not, as in Ephesians 2:1-22, dead in sins, which would be nothing to the purpose. It became simply a question whether, in fact, God did call Gentiles, or whether He had revealed such intentions. It is in Zion that He lays it. Because if you know God well you will have no problem trusting in Him at all.How can you know God? He here shows the fatal mistake that the unbelieving Jews were guilty of, which was their ruin. We have had justification, both by blood and also in virtue of Christ's resurrection. Christianity is belief plus confession; it involves witness before men. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes ( Romans 10:3-4 ). Christ holds it out to you: take it freely, and be rich for ever. 3. What is to be done according to Gods word? (14-15) The necessity of the preaching of the gospel. (verses 22-32.) What is that righteousness which is of faith, Romans 10:6; Romans 10:6, c. This he describes in the words of Moses, in Deuteronomy, in the second law (so Deuteronomy signifies), where there was a much clearer revelation of Christ and the gospel than there was in the first giving of the law: he quotes it from Deuteronomy 30:11-14, and shows. Plainly put, by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified (Romans 3:20). It may well be that what we have here is the notes of some address which Paul was in the habit of making to the Jews to convince them of their error. This accordingly leads, as connected with the deliverance of the body, to the inheritance we are to possess. It is not God having an earthly centre, and the peoples doming up to worship the Lord in Jerusalem. Paul said, "It is eliminated." This is not something to smile at, but to admire. How shall they hear without a preacher? 11, 12). This Good News is readily available to anyone who will receive it freely from God through Christ. Deuteronomy 30:14. Lectionary Calendar. But now he turns around and says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." How could the Jews say that this meant themselves? Then the domains of flesh and Spirit are brought before us: the one characterized by sin and death practically now; the other by life, righteousness, and peace, which is, as we saw, to be crowned finally by the resurrection of these bodies of ours. You know what Cardinal Bellarmine said: he was a great antagonist of Luther, and thought that we might trust in our works; but, looking it all over, he admitted that inasmuch as no man could be quite sure that he had done enough good works, it was perhaps best on the whole and safest to trust altogether to the blood and merits of Jesus Christ. No trembling sinner doubts but that by the breaking of the law we are condemned: be you equally sure of it, that by not believing you are condemned. First, he cites Isaiah 28:16: "Every one who believes in him will not be put to shame." speaketh on this wise: In these verses (6-8), Pauls language is clearly based on the Septuagint rendering of Deuteronomy 30:11-14 where Moses enumerates the blessings that accrue to Israel if she keeps the law. for on your own showing, according to that word to which we all bow, you must admit that one man's sin brought in universal moral ruin and death. Brethren, my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel, I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, i. Upon our believing, that is, our humble consent to the terms of the gospel, we become interested in Christ's satisfaction, and so are justified through the redemption that is in Jesus. I do say this for them--that they do have a zeal for God, but it is not a zeal which is based on a real knowledge. They tried him with their various attainments, depressions, anxieties, quibbles, and questions; but still the huckster would not budge. Christ indeed did both; and so the word was nigh them, in their mouth and in their heart. In this chapter are contained an account of the two righteousnesses of faith and works, a summary of the Gospel of Christ, a description of the grace of faith, in the nature, use, and means of it, and several testimonies concerning the calling of the Gentiles; and whereas the apostle knew that this, as well as what he had said in the latter part of the preceding chapter, that the Jews had not attained to the law of righteousness, but stumbled at the stumbling stone, would be offensive to his countrymen the Jews; wherefore that it might appear that he said this not out of disaffection and ill will to them, he declares his sincere regard unto them, and the great respect he had for them, by calling them "brethren", by expressing his good will to them, by praying for the salvation of them, Ro 10:1, by bearing testimony of their zeal for God, Ro 10:2, though he faithfully observes to them, that it was an ignorant zeal, of which ignorance he gives an instance, Ro 10:3, particularly in the attribute of God's righteousness; from which ignorance arose all their misconduct in religious things, especially in the article of justification; hence they sought to be justified by their own righteousness, and rejected the righteousness of Christ, and then points out to them the true end of the law, for righteousness which is Christ, Ro 10:4, which if they had known would have set them right, and which is another instance of their ignorant and misguided zeal: this leads him on to what he had in view, which was to give an account of the two righteousnesses he had suggested in the latter part of the former chapter, the righteousness of the law, which the Jews sought for and found not, and the righteousness of faith, which the Gentiles without seeking for enjoyed; and this account he gives in the words of Moses, for whom they had the greatest regard: the description of the former is given in his words, in Ro 10:5, which suggest the impossibility of keeping the law, and obtaining life by it, and therefore it is a vain thing to seek for righteousness by the works of it; the latter is described, Ro 10:6,7, by the certainty of it, being wrought out by Christ, who came down from heaven, fulfilled the law, and died, and rose again from the dead; and by the plainness and evidence of it, as revealed in the Gospel, Ro 10:8, the sum of which Gospel is, that whoever believes in Christ and confesses him shall be saved, Ro 10:9, which faith and confession, when genuine, are with the heart and mouth agreeing together; the consequences of which are righteousness and salvation, comfortably apprehended and enjoyed, Ro 10:10, and that the above is the sum of the Gospel, and that there is such a connection between faith and righteousness, and between confession and salvation, is confirmed, Ro 10:11, by a testimony from the prophet, Isa 28:16, which being expressed in such a general manner, as to extend to every believer, whether Jew or Gentile, reasons are given, Ro 10:12, in support of such an explanation of that passage, taken from the equal condition of all, there being no difference between them naturally, from the universal dominion of God over them, and from his liberal communication of grace and goodness to all that call upon him; which last reason is confirmed, Ro 10:13, by a passage of Scripture in Joe 2:32, on occasion of which, the apostle proceeds to treat of the calling of the Gentiles, and of the means of it, the preaching of the Gospel, which was necessary to it, which is made out by a train of reasoning after this manner; that seeing salvation is only of such that call upon the name of the Lord, and there could be no calling upon him without believing in him, and no believing without hearing, and no hearing without preaching, and no preaching without mission, which is proved by a citation out of Isa 52:7, and no success in preaching, when sent, without the exertions of efficacious grace, as appears from the case of the Jews, who had the ministration of the Gospel to them by Isaiah, and yet all did not believe it; as is evident from Isa 53:1, and seeing the conclusion of which is, that faith comes by preaching, and preaching by the order and command of God, Ro 10:14-17, it follows, that it was proper that ministers should be sent, and the Gospel preached to the Gentiles, and that attended with power, in order that they should believe in the Lord, and call upon his name and be saved; and which method God had taken, and which he had foretold he would take, in the prophecies of the Old Testament, and which were now fulfilling: that the Gospel was preached to them, and they heard it, were matters of fact, and were no other than what should be, or might be concluded, from Ps 19:4, cited, Ro 10:18, and that the Jews could not be ignorant of the calling of the Gentiles is clear, first from the words of Moses, De 32:21, which the apostle produces, Ro 10:19, and from a passage in the prophecy of Isa 65:1. These words were from the final sermon given by Moses. Before the cross there hung out the gravest question that ever was raised, and it needed settlement in this world; but in Christ sin is for ever abolished for the believer; and this not only in respect of what He has done, but in what He is. Now the doctrine which we saw asserted in the latter part ofRomans 5:1-21; Romans 5:1-21 is applied to both. It is not the awakening of conscience, however real; neither is it the attraction of heart by the grace of Christ, however blessed this may be. He must know not only Christ the martyr: he must know Christ the victor, too. The problem is that none is able to keep the law perfectly. This brings out a most emphatic truth and special side of Christianity. At the close of that period he rose into the air, ascending high. I never doubt that, for I have daily proofs of it, and why should I doubt that, for he says he is, and I must believe him." "Ah, well," said one, "sometimes I enjoy good frames and feelings, and feel very happy, and then I lose them, and sink in spirit." As this was now made known to all, as the apostles preached it everywhere, it could be said to be nigh them; there was no need of searching other lands for it, or regarding it as a hidden mystery, for it was plain and manifest to all. To the ends of the world: There is not a part of the promised land in which these glad tidings have not been preached; and there is scarcely a place in the Roman empire in which the doctrine of Christ crucified has not been heard: if, therefore, the Jews have not believed, the fault is entirely their own; as God has amply furnished them with the means of faith of salvation. (Clarke). The ground taken by a Jew for supposing God exclusively for Israel was, that they had the law, which was the measure of what God claimed from man; and this the Gentile had not. If a man kept the law perfectly, even Moses concluded that such a person would live (be saved). 1. 1. The offering up of this desire to God. You will get the foreboding of this world with all of its problems. The soul of prayer is the heart's desire. Help me to believe, Lord." The whole work is done. Every mouth was stopped; the Jew by his own oracles, as the Gentile by their evident abominations, shown already. Wrapping everything up into one, the gospel says, "Trust thou in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy sins shall be forgiven thee, and thou shalt be saved." The way of justification and salvation has in it no such depths or knots as may discourage us, no insuperable difficulties attending it but, as was foretold, it is a high-way, Isaiah 35:8. Now it is clear that that obedience could be given only by a man who was desperately in earnest about his religion. He has been telling them truths which were difficult for them to hear and bear. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Accordingly, in the end of the chapter, he shows that this is most true as applied to the moral judgment of the Jew; that uone so much dishonoured God as wicked Jews, their own Scripture attesting it; that position went for nothing in such, while the lack of it would not annul the Gentile's righteousness, which would indeed condemn the more unfaithful Israel; in short, that one must be a Jew inwardly to avail, and circumcision be of the heart, in spirit, not in letter, whose praise is of God, and not of men. But then again he intimates that the nature of the gospel is involved in the publishing of the glad tidings. ii. "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." Men have an infinite and fatal capacity for shutting their minds to what they do not wish to see, and stopping their ears to what they do not wish to hear. The shedding of His blood was absolutely necessary: without that precious expiation all else had been vain and impossible. Jesus had come and died; Jesus had been a propitiatory sacrifice; Jesus had borne the judgment of God because of the sins He bore. instructive and interesting manner the links that grace practically forms and maintains between the saints of God. Wuest, quoting Robertson on Jesus Christ is Lord: No Jew would do this who had not really trusted Christ, for Kurios in the LXX is used of God. I know that he would have said to me, Give them Christ crucified, and salvation by grace through faith, as plainly as ever you can; for when he was sore sick and in the very agony of death, he repeated as his dying creed, and in his own quaint way he added, "They may talk as much as ever they like, but the whole of it lies in Jack the Huckster's verse. If you get out on the extreme and, unfortunately, some people do. Several general exhortations proper for all Christians, Rom. Yes, whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Then he quotes Deuteronomy 30:12-13. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. This were indeed to deny the value of His death, and of that newness of life we have in Him risen, and a return to bondage of the worst description. No man could believe this who did not also believe all the truths dependent on it. Hence the action of the Spirit of God in a double point of view comes before us. Knowing God we come to believe and trust in God. "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 9 If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can come to the Father but by me" ( John 14:6 ). i. The Word of God is essential for the development of faith within my heart. Paul ably demonstrated in the first several chapters of Romans how futile this is. ( Romans 10:14-15 ). Now listen. Ignorance of God's righteousness. "Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized unto his death?" And they are broadening the gate so that you breathe, "Oh, God loves you," you will be saved because you are breathing. I assure you that I daily find the value of living by faith. 8-10. See an instance of this pride in the Pharisee, Luke 18:10; Luke 18:11. At this point we enter upon a most important part of the epistle, on which we must dwell for a little. why am I still under bondage and misery from the constant evil of my nature, over which I seem to have no power whatever? If you were to descend there, what would you do without him whom God has anointed to save? The gospel, instead of treating this as a light matter, alone vindicates God in these eternal ways of His, in that which must be in him who stands in relationship with God. God is gracious, but holy; He is faithful, but righteous. If you get extreme on the Calvinistic side and into election and predestination and all, then you have lost the center of truth. But what saith it? If ever we are to bring men to the Christian faith, our attitude must be the same. Accordingly, then, he confronts the unquestionable truth, admitted by every Israelite, of the universal havoc by one man everywhere with the One man who has brought in (not pardon only, but, as we shall find) eternal life and liberty liberty now in the free gift of life, but a liberty that will never cease for the soul's enjoyment until it has embraced the very body that still groans, and this because of the Holy Ghost who dwells in it. Yet from beginning to end there is no anger in it; there is nothing but wistful longing and heartfelt yearning. One day I was in my office studying Romans, and I was just so upset I put my Bible down and I said, "God, I can't reconcile it," and I walked out of the room. Some thought him half-witted, but the story would show his wind to be sound enough. Of course, it could hardly be the law: that was the boast of Israel. The figure of the relationship of husband and wife is introduced in order to make the matter plain. A voice cries "Who shall ascend into heaven?" If a man called Jesus kurios he was ranking him with the Emperor and with God; he was giving him the supreme place in his life; he was pledging him implicit obedience and reverent worship. (Barclay), ii. and how can they hear without a preacher? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God." It is such milk for babes that I have known people refuse such plain truth because they were not willing to be treated like little children. It was a message that went out from God to sinners as such. You must carefully guard against the notion of its being a question of Paul's own experience, because he says, "I had not known," "I was alive," etc. No, we will find out next week as we move into Romans 11:0 that God still has a plan whereby He is going to bring salvation to the Jew. God has given us His word. in your mouth -- --when you confess Him. But this does not content the apostle, or rather the Spirit of God; for he goes on to point out that Isaiah "is very bold" in a similar way; that is, there is no concealing the truth of the matter. in order to understand this declaration: it is as plain as words can make it. It was laid down exactly how far a man could walk on the Sabbath. Having received, having heard, having known the grace of God through Jesus Christ, we are now obligated to let the world know of that same grace.I have a very good friend, Keith Erickson, whom I love in the Lord. (ii) A man must believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. I have lost a friend tender and true to me, and my heart is too full for utterance. From Romans 9 alone we might think that salvation is Gods doing alone, but from Romans 10 we might think that salvation is mans doing alone together we see the matter from each perspective. No wonder, if souls confound the two things together, that they never know deliverance in practice. Thus the first argument shows that the rejection was not total; the second, that it was but for a season. All are condemned to death (5). Oh yes very true, for their sound went out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world ( Romans 10:18 ). All the world was guilty before God. The apostle refers to Isaiah to show that God would "lay in Zion a stumbling-stone." He that believeth will not make haste (so the prophet has it)--will not make haste to run away from the sufferings he meets with in the way of his duty, will not be ashamed of a despised religion. Nothing of this is intended in the class that is here brought before us. You can also change some of your preferences. The direction is "unto all;" the application is, of course, only to "them that believe;" but it is to all them that believe. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. We have Paul informing us that he transfers sometimes in a figure to himself that which was in no wise necessarily his own experience, and perhaps had not been so at any time. From verse 14 there is an advance. When our time comes to depart, we shall just step aside and say, "Good-bye, dear friends, awhile: we will meet again in the home of the blessed." It is against the "unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." He demands perfect and entire obedience, if life is to come of it. He shall never have cause to repent his confidence in reposing such a trust in the Lord Jesus. For instance, if a man signs a contract without having read the conditions, he cannot complain if afterwards he finds out that the conditions are very different from what he thought they were. His witness to our spirit is this, that we are children of God. Charity teaches us to have the best opinion of persons, and to put the best construction upon words and actions, that they will bear. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. Yes, God is sovereign. Throw thyself upon him now; even as a babe casts itself upon its mother's breast. Jewish religion was based on meticulous obedience to the law. Thou art my hiding-place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever.". d. Seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God: Israel had a lack of knowledge. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. It is our rejecting the gifts our Lord offers in His Means of Grace. God send us more like him men to whom religion is for home consumption. Compare verse 6 (where the margin, not the text, is substantially correct) with verse 4. The question then is raised in the beginning ofRomans 3:1-31; Romans 3:1-31, If this be so, what is the superiority of the Jew? Does that mean then that God is through with the Jew forever? It was laid down that he must lift no burden which weighed more than two dried figs. No one had ever witnessed to him. It is salvation that the gospel exhibits and tenders--saved from guilt and wrath, with the salvation of the soul, an eternal salvation, which Christ is the author of, a Saviour to the uttermost. The Scripture; so some copies, and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic version read, "what saith the Scripture?" The righteousness of God means that God is just, while at the same time He justifies the believer in Christ Jesus. May faith be increased as you study His Word. We cannot speak of the state of things before the flood as a dispensation. All that which is done for us is already done to our hands. There is really no other hope, for if you get a little bit of your own works put into the building, of your hope, you have just so much rotten timber in the fabric, and that rot will plague the whole house, and turn it into dust at the last. Instead of waiting for some new truth to fall from heaven, or float up from the abyss, they ought to recognize that truth has already been given. c. How beautiful are the feet: No wonder those who preach have beautiful feet they partner with God for the salvation of men. They are really rebelling against God's path of righteousness, having established now their own righteousness by works, as Paul here declares. There is entrance into favour, and nothing but favour. While there were people who could read, the ordinary first-century citizen depended rather on being able to hear something. (Morris). (1.) (that is, to bring Christ down:) 7 or, Who shall descend into the abyss? It might be more or less any man's lot to learn. As He has made all, so He is heir of all. Do not suppose that you can be a believer and conceal your faith. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. This knowledge was readily available and known to all. Of the Jew by his own confession. In both Old and New it is the same substantial testimony. Such is the principle. It is not our effort which wins us goodness. The nature of their unbelief. The remnant proves, then, that even under judgment the rejection of Israel is not complete, but rather a pledge of future favour. He selects this language because it expresses his meaning in familiar terminology that is at once suitable and proverbial. And this was powerfully corroborated by the testimony of another great name in Israel (David), in Psalms 32:1-11. Because they were sons of Abraham. Yes, but this is another principle. This is unto righteousness. The future must be brought in by the grace of God; and this he accordingly gives us at the close of Romans 11:1-36. Hence it is, as he says, herein revealed "from faith," or by faith. They are merely persons who plume themselves on their orthodoxy, but in a wholly unrenewed condition. The word is close to you, it is even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that Jesus is Lord, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved ( Romans 10:8-9 ). God has brought him again from the dead and exalted him at his own right hand, and this is not for himself, but for all those who trust in him. It was laid down that, in the event of sickness, measures might be taken to keep the patient from becoming worse, but not to make him better. Of it nothing has been heard till now. Yes, God has chosen and elected and predestined. And the ceremonies shadowed forth Christ as fulfilling the righteousness, and bearing the curse of the law. "No, I am not." (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) How blessed it is when a child of God has actually fallen into sin, God keep us so that we never may, but if guilt is on the soul, what is a poor creature to do? "Yea verily, their sound went forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world." Anybody being able to . This do, and thou shalt live. It was about eating pork. Is there no call, no mercy, of God for any besides? So one of the first works of the gospel is silencing the questions of our unbelief. It is not here a question of how a man is to be saved, but of God's indispensable moral judgment, which the gospel, instead of weakening asserts according to the holiness and truth of God. It is agreed by all commentators that this is one of the most difficult and obscure passages in the letter to the Romans. For they're ignorant of God's righteousness and they are going about to establish their own righteousness.I had a Jewish fellow one night as we were talking say to me, "Well, Chuck, my father is a very religious man. Paul ably demonstrated in the letter to the inheritance we are children of God in wholly! 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