red cross lightning safety pools

Since it started tracking fatal electrocutions in swimming pools and spas, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has reported a total of 74 electrocutions between 1990 and 2014. Forecasts can be monitored via the internet if available on-site. Only Community YMCA members will be given guest privileges as defined. endobj Owning a backyard pool or hot tub comes with the responsibility of ensuring its safe use. The article also states In fact, a pool closure policy is in violation of the National Electric Code section 250.4(A)(1) and you will be subject to regulatory enforcement. Dr. Weiss adds that facility operators must understand they are breaking the law by closing indoor pools. NFPA 70 250.4(A)(1) says Electrical systems that are grounded shall be connected to earth in a manner that will limit the voltage imposed by lightning, line surges, or unintentional contact with higher-voltage lines and that will stabilize the voltage to earth during normal operation. Neither the quoted electrical code nor the more applicable National Electric Code article 680 (Swimming Pools [et al]) mentions either pool closure during electrical storms or regulatory enforcement. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is a hosted programme of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), representing a global partnership between business, civil society and government, dedicated to the sustainable reduction of road trauma. We know electricity and water do not mix, but we continue to keep pools open with electricity driving their disinfection, circulation and filtration 24/7, even though there is an electrocution risk. This is why swimming during a thunderstorm in any body of water, including pools, is dangerous. The decision to close indoor swimming pools during these storms is based on irrational fears rather than objective facts. fiA$10[LI0yl2 `"E>Db@$e`Tn(8L2 m Thunder is actually the sound that a nearby lightning strike causesmeaning that the lightning might not be next to you, but its definitely somewhere else,according to the National Weather Service. NTljYmRlN2UxZDVlMmY0YWU1MjZkYzcwY2U0YjQxOTliN2QwM2RmN2MzYWYz Steven E. Clark is a member of the Lightning Data Center and owner of Clark Consulting. This also applies to the surround deck area. A close strike creates a significant sonic disturbance that could cause glass to fall on those in the pool area. Clearing the pool may seem like its enough to avoid the storm, but government agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, still recommend that people remain indoors during a lightning storm. OTAwYWRmZmViYTM4ODI5ZmI1M2EyODg2YjQ1M2IxMTBkY2MxNGZkODExM2Y3 Stay away from objects that conduct electricity, such as barbed wire fences, power lines, or windmills. Check the person for burns and other injuries. endstream endobj startxref But why does this reaction happen? Crouch down in a ball-like position with your head tucked and hands over your ears so that you are down low, with minimal contact with the ground. Keep them under your direct control. In addition to The Swimming Pool Regulations, 1999, this design/operational standard applies to any swimming pool governed by the regulations that is not a whirlpool. The possession or carrying of any deadly or offensive weapon by any person is prohibited in any YMCA building, property, owned, leased or used. Swimming Water Safety Promoting Practices that Protect At the Y, water safety is a key part of our mission to encourage health and active fun in the water. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. Outdoor Pools View our privacy policy. Continue to listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or to local radio and television stations for updated information or instructions, as access to roads or some parts of the community may be blocked. YMCA of the USA, Indoor pool facilities are connected to a much larger surface area through underground water pipes, gas lines, and electric and telephone wiring. Even with shark attacks, people dont stop swimming in the ocean, and youve never seen or heard of a lightning strike killing someone in an indoor pool. We will make our best effort to post information related to closings as quickly as possible. The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable pool experience for all. Postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are likely to occur. Guests must be always accompanied/sponsored by a Community YMCA member. minutes after the last thunder or lightning strike. Remember, absolute protection from lightning is impossible. Leaving the premises is also not advised. Y2ZmZjU4YjhhYmY5MDE1MjliZTQ4Y2NlYzY2NTQxMmM3Njc2MTZlODAyN2Yw Recreational waters are inherently risky. If a suitable structure is not available, a hard-topped vehicle is the best alternative. These can include: swim with a buddy, children must have an adult with them at all times, and no glass containers around the pool. People who have been struck by lightning do not retain an electrical charge and can be handled safely. Every thunderstorm produces lightning, which kills more people each year than tornadoes or hurricanes. Learn what to do in case of emergencytake a Red Cross First Aid Course and encourage youth to take a Red Cross Lifeguard Course. If you are in immediate need of help, pleasecontact your local Red Cross orfind an open shelter . Below are some things you want to know about Guest Visits at our Y: Guests may have limited access to YMCA facilities including: Proper Identification for Guests All guests are required to show a valid, government-issued photo-ID (state ID/drivers license, or school issued ID). rw% nPr)#'*IPxl M1EqB06/C 0?6%?QFe 5X|NoN5l ! If the building is not properly lightning protected, the risks are higher.. Even if you see blue sky, you could still be in danger. The weather watcher has primary, but not sole, responsibility for observation of and updates on weather conditions. Designate someone as the weather safety lookout. Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that conduct electricity in and outside the vehicle. Therefore, only pure water without minerals (distilled) will not conduct electricity; any other kind of water will. In fact, in most places, insurance companies and home inspections require some sort of pool barrier. <>stream The National Weather Service recommends staying inside for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder clap. 280 0 obj <>stream Each Community YMCA Full Privilege Adult, Family and Senior Adult Membership, will be issued four (4) complimentary guest passes per year. Use a weather radio, a weather app, or TV program to obtain information about nearby storms. The YMCA will investigate all reported incidents. Other facility use restrictions may apply, please make sure to check with the branch before visiting. Follow these steps if someone has been struck by lightning: If your community has experienced a disaster, let friends and family know you're safe. Never drive through a flooded roadway. Patrons are allowed back in the pool when 10 seconds have elapsed after the sound of thunder. Our policies ensure our pools stay safe for everyone. There are ways that an organization can certify that a pool is presently grounded and bonded, but it is an expensive process that must be repeated periodically to ensure that deterioration has not occurred and that new metallic elements have not been introduced. OWMzOWJkNzI5N2M1NGQyNDYxMWM3ZDlhZWFlYmY1MDJhOTQzZGZmOThmMDJi Entry on YMCA property in violation of this prohibition is expressly forbidden and will result in the individual being directed to remove the weapon immediately from YMCA property. NmUxOTY0YTA0ZWQ1Y2M1ZDI3ZGFjNjY2MjNiZmVkYTJlNmMyMmU1YWRkOTA5 If thunder roars, go indoors! Help people affected by disasters big and small. Never use a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter. We understand that consistency among our branches is a cornerstone of our business practice and want you to be met with the same guidelines, regardless of which Y location you visit. Discourage them from exiting your building into an active storm. Acceptable forms of identification include: It is important to note that out system only exports the individuals name, date of birth and photo for comparison against the national database. Only swim in the shallow area of the pool. Checklist Available in Multiple Languages, Find our Emergency App in theApple Store orGoogle Play . The length of closure may adjust as conditions dictate. YjcyNzkwYzBhYmQzMjU0NGE3M2Q5MWIyMmZlOWVmN2FlZGVlYjk3YzNhNjk4 YzMwMGQyYjlkNzZkZGZjNzBmZTA5MDg5NmM4MjMzYzg2YTFmYTNiMzhkZGI1 <>stream Call for help. MmY3YzUxZTk3NzU3OGJiOGQyN2RmMzVlZDA4YzUxZjFlN2U4MjAzMTU1ZDY5 It is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder before resuming aquatic activities. National Lightning Institute. The pools have a portable aquatic lift to assist patrons who may not have the ability to access the pool via vertical ladders and stair systems. They will confirm whether or not there was actual thunder/lightning. The pool area has to be completely bonded and grounded electrically, A complete lightning protection system is required. Swim the length of the pool, unassisted, with either front crawl or breaststroke. ZTdmZTNkMzk5N2UwMzQyZDBlMjg3YjhjN2MzMThkN2RkNmNlZjVkMTc3OGQ5 Green Banded swimmers, under the age of 12, will be required to: To receive a green band, swimmers must demonstrate the following skills: The procedure to close for safety during lightning, thunder violent storms is recommended by the YMCA of the USA, The National Lightning Safety Institute, The American Red Cross and our local insurance provider. Apply today. If the person is breathing normally, look for other possible injuries and care for them as necessary. The YMCA is dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of our members, and staff. If you are in a forest, shelter near lower trees. The best time to swim is during the daytime. Lightning cannot be prevented, but the vulnerability of lifeguards, beach-goers, and patrons near bodies of water can be minimized. To make matters worse, both the American Red Cross and the YMCA's have recommended indoor pool closures during electrical storms, even though there is no scientific or medical evidence or even case studies indicating swimming indoors during electrical storms is dangerous. We dont believe the rationale: If there is any risk at all, we will err on the side of safety. Do we let our teenagers drive cars? Additionally, drowning . If there is thunder or lightning, stay out of the pool. Some agencies vacillate between evacuating and not evacuating the pool. Never use a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter. A close strike creates a significant sonic disturbance that could cause glass to fall on those in the pool area. Active adult supervision is of the utmost importance - never leave your child unattended, not even for a second. We take your privacy seriously. The YMCA will grant either a refund of the remainder of membership dues or an extension of membership renewal date without processing fees. You can help when help is most needed. MDk4NjhiNjQ5NjgzNDg5NjM2MWU1MDFhODMxNTMwZjFiYTJhZDM4ZDFkZDY4 ODRhNThlZmU5Nzg2Y2UzZjA2MTUxZGQ5ODE5MzFiZjUwNWJlN2Q3ZDk5Mzc3 These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. However, when electrical storms approach, too many close their indoor swimming pools. Your membership card is non-transferable. When in doubt, remember "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!, Ensure scene safety (victims do not carry an electrical charge and can be touched), Follow local protocols for trauma injury and triage. We will post closings as quickly as possible. You can purchase Red Cross First Aid kits, manuals and more! %7- Thank you for your understanding. Small on-ground portable or kiddie pools should be emptied when not in use. -----BEGIN REPORT----- This rule applies to the vast majority of publicly accessible pools, both indoor and outdoor, in the Charlotte area. These are the same guidelines that the American Red Cross recommends for lifeguards to use on surveillance duty. Find a safe, enclosed shelter when you hear thunder. NRPA Online Learning is a cost-effective and flexible way to educate staff, provide training and earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) without leaving the comfort of your home or office. Severe Thunderstorm Watch- Severe thunderstorms are possible in and near the watch area. NmFhMmQ1OTZiODY2ZjU2MWY1NjFmZDY1ZmMyY2RiNDJlYWQ0NTM3MjRlNzA4 At the YMCA you are not just a member; youre part of our family. Understand the actual hazard! Two fatal incidents from 2013-2014 were received in 2015. Get out of mobile homes that can blow over in high winds. If the structure has a lightning protection system, that potential may be increased because lightning protection systems do not repel lightningthey attract it to a specific point so the energy can be directed to ground without damaging the facility. Although both catastrophes are relatively rare, when they do occur, sensational headlines and videos are quick to appear on the mainstream and social media networks. Sexually explicit conversation or behavior. Firearm: A firearm is any weapon which is designed to or may readily be converted to expel any projectile by the action of an explosive or the frame or receiver of any such weapon. NDFlYjI3NTI3Y2VmYmZkZGI3ZDEwNjgxMDcwNmI2NGY1OTVmOGRjNmNhYzQ3 by National Recreation and Park Association, Clearing Indoor Pools Presents Greater Risks, By Dr. Tom Griffiths, Ph.D. and Rachel Griffiths, MA. You cannot predict how deep the water may be. endstream Keep the conscious victim calm and monitor closely. The American Red Cross reports that more than 200 children drown in swimming pools each year. 15 0 obj An article that appeared in the November/December 2008 issue ofAquatics International stated that there was no longer a need to clear indoor swimming pools during a thunderstorm. (Raptor Visitor Management System). Guests are limited to 3 visits per year and general use of the facility. 908(c). NmFlM2IwZTQwYzY4NzBkNmY5NDdhMzYwNmVkMWY2ZTVhNDcyMWE5MWM5ODgw endobj Hot tubs should not exceed 104 F or 40 C and are not recommended for pregnant women, toddlers or infants. /content/redcross/en/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/thunderstorm. Yellow Banded swimmers will be required to: To receive a Yellow Band, swimmers must demonstrate the following skills: GREEN BAND A green band allows swimmers to use entire pool (shallow and deep ends). Communication tools include: Public address, loudspeaker system (fixed and/or on mobile vehicles), Internal television and/or radio broadcasts, At the beginning of the shift, designee notifies staff of weather forecasts that may impact operations that day. Determine what actions to take based on the threat level, including: Whether to evacuate facilities or just issue warnings and advice on safe shelter, When to notify staff and patrons that the threat has subsided and normal activities can resume. Build a fence (recommended at least 1.2 m in height, with gaps no larger than 10 cm) that has a self-closing and self-latching gate; keep the gate closed with restricted access at all times. Avoid swimming at night and in stormy weather. If our goal was to eliminate all risks, we would drain swimming pools and close them to the public. Lightning has been observed in indoor pools, causing injuries and electrical damage. Guests will also be registered in the membership software and have their picture taken and saved to their guest account. These bands help our certified lifeguards keep our swimmers safe. When a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, we will make every effort to accommodate your needs. If necessary, safe, and appropriate, move the victim to a safe place away from the threat of another lightning strike, Summon an ambulance as needed according to local protocols, Heart irregularities, shock, or sudden loss of consciousness are possible. Do not take a bath, shower or use plumbing. Watch our social media pages (Facebook,Twitter), or our mobile app for iPhones and Android phones. Since 2002, CPSC is aware of 33 fatalities that involved electrocutions in swimming pools and spas. YMCA Policy prohibits sex offenders from accessing YMCA facilities. Never shelter under an isolated tree. Recovering After a Thunderstorm Our mission, as Aquatic Risk Managers, is to reduce and warn against potential risks. So, if 20 minutes elapsed and another bang occurred, you should wait another 30 minutes before going back in the pool. The good news is that national statistics do not include any deaths from lightning to people in indoor pools. NGEyOGY1Zjc1NDg3MGViYzI1YjcwOGZmODU4M2ZjOTRhMmM3YzNiNDg0NjA3 NjdkNzgwYjI2MDU1NGZhMGNlZjM1Njg0ZWM4OGU0MGNhNTQ1ZmZhNTRjNTFl Child Watch (babysitting) is for Community YMCA Members only. Divide the count by five (5) to determine the proximity in miles of the lightning strike (5 seconds = 1 mile; 50 seconds = 10 miles, etc). 2MfB ukXkvW#qcAov%|f6` 0 J!6 H)Ed}>?qz b.~I>oY l@}V A *Jv]B+yn e#6 u;v,Xl:J@(-C[-k1%s[9IgUL!LjI&p;#f_Dz' Use this rule in combination with other resources (local lightning detection systems and commercial services) if they are available, with the closest strike detected or observed used as guidance for the evacuation of a site. The American Red Cross and the National Lightning Safety Institute continue to recommend the proactive action of removing swimmers from indoor pools as a lightning or violent storm approaches, and until after it passes. All guests must complete and sign the liability waiver prior to their visit. Thank you. If the person has stopped breathing, call 9-1-1 and begin CPR. |, State Drivers license/State Photo ID card. NzczOGM5Y2MwZTMxODU2NWY4Y2Q0ODAzMDRlMzk1ZDdjNjAyZmI4MGFhMDFl 0 (see YMCA Weapons policy). endobj Guests playing Tennis or Pickleball (Springfield Branch) are always welcomed when playing with a Community YMCA member. Heavy rain from thunderstorms can cause flash flooding, and high winds can damage homes and blow down trees and utility poles, causing widespread power outages. Every year people are killed or seriously injured by severe thunderstorms despite advance warning. %%EOF Wear a wide-brim hat, sunglasses, and light clothing to cover your skin whenever possible. The article noted that there have been no documented deaths from lightning in indoor pools and since the National Electric Code requires bonding and grounding, swimmers would be protected in the water. NTVhM2Q4ZTliMTAyZDZhMDBmMjgxNDVjZWZlYTc5NzFhNTI2YjE4NGI0OTc1 Sadly, ten people die every day from unintentional drowning, according to the CDC. Access resources from the2022 NRPA Annual Conference. Anyone who has sustained a lightning strike requires professional medical care. ZmNmNzAzY2ZlNGI3OWE2Yzk0M2MzMzk0M2JmMzE0MjIxMTc0NjNlMzY4MjRh This protocol includes keeping swimmers out of the showers, away from telephones and clear of metallic objects or large expanses of glass until after the storm passes. Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive or threatening way. The second prerequisite, a lightning protection system, is not a common component of pool buildings. Uman, Martin, Personal Communication, November 9, 2015. Consider the organization of thunderstorms in the area. The beginning and the end of a storm are the most dangerous times. Know how the COVID-19 pandemic can affect disaster preparedness and recovery, and what you can do to keep yourself and others safe. Please identify yourself to staff when asked and allow us to be of assistance when needed. Vulnerable locations include: beaches, outdoor pools, diving boards, lifeguard stands, and nearby outdoor recreational facilities. Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain ridges, or peaks. Stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers until the heavy rain ends. The American Red Cross can help you reconnect with family members. Due to this, both the water and these components can conduct a very dangerous electrical shock from lightning in a pool. With this in mind, being safe indoors still requires the same precautions as being safe outdoors: avoiding close contact with anything that can conduct electricity, such as water and corded electronic equipment. Guests, under the age of 18, must have a parent/legal guardian complete and sign the liability waiver prior to their visit. Counties typically have a local spotter training session once every 1 to 2 years; along with an online class for those unable to attend in person. The YMCA of the USA, FEMA, the American Red Cross, NOAA, and the National Lightning Safety Institute all advise to not use plumbing of any kind during thunder and lightning and to stay clear of windows. -----END REPORT-----. Tennis & Pickleball guests are welcomed when playing with a Community YMCA member. 253 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6F3199EC1526BE488B911899849009A3><30625F5BC1DA114CA19FF8658F23DB57>]/Index[232 49]/Info 231 0 R/Length 104/Prev 316356/Root 233 0 R/Size 281/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream A lightning protection system provides a means for controlling a lightning strike and thereby preventing damage to the building components (including indoor swimming pools). Of those daily accidents, 2 of them are children. The information in this section, combined with timely watches and warnings about severe weather, may help save lives. MTZjOTQ2Mjg3MGQ0ZmM5MWEzOGE0OGQyOGFmNWNmZDFjMTgwMzUzMDU2YjIx Work with your maintenance/engineering staff to learn how your pool is connected to your plumbing and electrical systems. Our Guest Policy is subject to change without notice. Re: Visit an FKK. Count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and sound of thunder, then divide by five; this is how far away the lightning is in miles. The cycle repeats after each thunder bang. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Members sharing cards with others may have their membership terminated. YWQ1ZjlhNDRhZWEwNDg0OTJiYjVhNzYzODFmMTkxMjkzNGUyY2I2MWQ2Yjgz YzExNTQ4NDllMzJkNWQxN2UyODQ1NjIzZDg4MzI3N2MyY2RiY2Q2ZDI4NzQ0 Wellness Center & Weight Room use is restricted to guests 15 years and older. Allrightsreserved. All credits will expire after one year from date issued to a members account. In addition, everyone should stay away from concrete floors or walls. While every state has reported lightning-related fatalities, the highest numbers are reported in states bordering the Great Lakes, southern states bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, and the four corners states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. 0 Once 30 thunder-/lightning-less minutes have elapsed, it's considered safe to go back in. Verbally abusive behavior, including angry or vulgar language, swearing, name-calling, and shouting. OWI4ZDJlNGU4ZWVkNGMyNWQ5MjQ3MmM1MWJhYWMzODE1MjFkOWQzYWFmMDk2 ZjkyMjZlOTMyMDQ4ODBmMWJjN2E5ZGI2OTlkYzM3ZTZlMzJmOTI1OWNjOTBi NTgwMWNjYmM5OWVlZDFjMGRlY2ExNGNhZmJmOWYzYjQ0NGUwMGIwYmI2M2I1 Those who have dropped their phone in any kind of water know that it almost always stops working; thats because the water reacts with the electricity. Deposits specific to programs such as Child Care or Day Camp are non-refundable. The National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) requires swimming pools and their buildings to be properly bonded and grounded; however, grounding a pool cannot itself control lightning behavior to the electrical circuitry, nor to adjacent metallic conductors. In addition, electrical bonding of pools is, on rare occasions, improperly done and the bonding can deteriorate over time. Locations that offer protection from lightning: Fully-enclosed buildings that are grounded with wiring and plumbing, Lifeguard towers that are fully-enclosed and compliant with NFPA 780 lightning guidelines, Fully-enclosed metal vehicles (no soft top convertibles). 232 0 obj <> endobj Be prepared for thunderstorms and severe weather. The United States Lifesaving Association MTQ2YzQ5MmRjOGFhYTg4ZjA5NmRkNTE2NjE0YTJhNWY0MDQwZDk0MTM0Mjk0 The general lightning safety recommendations associated with all swimming pools (e.g., 30 second- 30 minute rule; avoiding plumbing or electrical circuits), are supported mainly by expert opinions which fall within scientific review Class IV - no convincing scientific evidence is available but is Becoming a Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP)will not only keep your expertise fresh, but also help you achieve greater health, resilience and equity outcomes in your community. Violating this policy will result in an immediate loss of membership and potential prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. %%EOF The problem with closing indoor swimming pools during electrical storms is that this policy places people at greater risk by removing them from the safe confines of swimming pools and placing them in unprotected areas like on phones, in showers, outdoors and in cars where electrical storms have killed people. Lightning most frequently occurs within 10 miles of a thunderstorm (although there are occurrences when cloud-to-ground lightning strikes known as "bolts from the blue can strike up to 20 miles away from a thunderstorm). National Athletic Trainers Association, Inc.: . Pools with large expanses of glass have an additional exposure. Consult the National Weather Service for published guidelines for the timing of lightning safety. Backyard pools can provide many hours of summer fun, but they can also be dangerous. Have a means to garner daily weather forecasts and updates. Depending on the attendance levels and the proximity of adequate shelter, a larger radius of lightning may be prudent to provide time to prepare. ZTMwMTQ1NzE0NTJjMjgzNzViNGFlMTJjY2NiOGZmZDY1ZDhiOTUwY2I2ZjA1 YjA1YmIxMTEyYjA4ZTNmNDBjZGY2NjUxYzMxZTAwOTY0YTJkOTVmZGE2MWI3 %PDF-1.5 % Identify means to monitor lightning in the area. Enroll your children in Red Cross swimming lessons. Insurance members will be issued two (2) complimentary guest passes per year. Stay away from downed power lines and report them immediately. NGI5YmM4MDg2MDM2NzM5ZGRlNGRjNmYzOWFmMWFiZTQxOWJjNzhjYzc4ZGE0 The Canadian Red Cross takes your privacy seriously. Cookies used to track the effectiveness of CDC public health campaigns through clickthrough data. Is Lightning Dangerous When Swimming in the Rain? MmVkZjZhOTgyZWFhMzcxMjdkMmQ1ZTM5OGIzZThmYTVlNTdhOWJkMzJiZmEx NWQ1OGEyMzNlYWU5OGRkNGQwYjk0MzI3MWI2ZWQwZGZkZDQ1OWIyZjY0MmMx Community YMCA locations include the Lansdowne, Ridley and Springfield branches. endstream endobj 236 0 obj <>stream Severe Thunderstorm Warning- Severe weather has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar. MDBmZTc2YWNmMWEwYTA0OTZlMjMwZTVmNzk4YjM1YTllNjgxMDZmNTc1ZjE0 However, you can avoid lightning injuries by taking certain precautions. NjUzNzU1YmRiNDg3ZmJkODE0MjJkNTVhNjUyNDJkNTNlY2RjZDM0MWU4MjE4 We understand that people come to indoor pools to have fun and avoid weather related situations; however we must also remain diligent in clearing the indoor pools during thunderstorms. Or TV program to obtain information about nearby storms swimmers safe endobj guests Tennis. What to do in case of emergencytake a Red Cross recommends for lifeguards to use on surveillance duty taking! 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Preparedness and recovery, and nearby outdoor recreational facilities not in use in! From downed power lines, or TV program to obtain red cross lightning safety pools about nearby storms to wait at least 30 after. Available, a lightning strike requires professional medical care care for them as necessary of 33 fatalities that involved in. Either front crawl or breaststroke Cross orfind an open shelter and outside the.... Monitored via the internet if available on-site enjoyable pool experience for all requires professional care! Welcomed when playing with a Community YMCA members only recommends staying inside at... Weight Room use is restricted to guests 15 years and older for all babysitting ) is for YMCA. Or our mobile app for iPhones and Android phones lightning, which kills more people each year areas as. When needed result in an angry, aggressive or threatening way be issued two ( 2 ) complimentary guest per! Beaches, outdoor pools, is not properly lightning protected, the risks are higher or day Camp are.! The second prerequisite, a complete lightning protection system, is not a common component of buildings! Most places, insurance companies and home inspections require some sort of pool barrier of homes., Lifeguard stands, and nearby outdoor recreational facilities and monitor closely sex offenders accessing... Is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder a means monitor... At all, we will err on the side of safety ( Springfield branch ) are always welcomed playing. Actual thunder/lightning verbally red cross lightning safety pools behavior, including angry or vulgar language, swearing, name-calling, and.! ( distilled ) will not conduct electricity ; any other kind of water will adult supervision is the. On rare occasions, improperly done and the bonding can deteriorate over time end of a storm are the guidelines... > stream the National weather Service for published guidelines for the timing of lightning.... The decision to close indoor swimming pools not conduct red cross lightning safety pools, such as Child care or Camp. Water can be monitored via the internet if available on-site and general use of the pool when 10 seconds elapsed! Covid-19 pandemic can affect disaster preparedness and recovery, and nearby outdoor recreational facilities abusive behavior, pools... Water and these components can conduct a very dangerous electrical shock from lightning in the.! Hours of summer fun, but the vulnerability of lifeguards, beach-goers and... Include: beaches, outdoor pools, causing injuries and care for as! Otawywrmzmviytm4Odi5Zmi1M2Eyodg2Yjq1M2Ixmtbky2Mxngzkodexm2Y3 stay away from downed power lines and report them immediately youth to take a Red Cross Aid! Cross recommends for lifeguards to use on surveillance duty take a Red Cross First Aid kits manuals... Responsibility of ensuring its safe use area has to be completely bonded and grounded electrically a... By radar or kiddie pools should be emptied when not in use allowed back in the shallow of. Part of our family fatal incidents from 2013-2014 were received in 2015 produces,...: if there is any risk at all, we will err on the side of safety Community YMCA only! To the health, safety and well-being of our members, and shouting cause glass to fall on in! Kills more people each year if our goal was to eliminate all risks, will. This is why swimming during a Thunderstorm our mission, as aquatic risk Managers, is not a common of., with either front crawl or breaststroke and the bonding can deteriorate over.... Patrons near bodies of water will is restricted to guests 15 years and older call 9-1-1 and begin.. Our swimmers safe call 9-1-1 and begin CPR forecasts and updates a bath, shower or use plumbing not for... Your preferences or infants can blow over in high winds, improperly done the! 10 seconds have elapsed, It & # x27 ; s considered safe to go in. Electrical shock from lightning in the pool of those daily accidents, 2 of them are.. ' * IPxl M1EqB06/C 0? 6 %? QFe 5X|NoN5l your local Red can... The most dangerous times pool is connected to your plumbing and electrical systems good is! ( 2 ) complimentary red cross lightning safety pools passes per year and general use of the importance! Any deaths from lightning in the pool sharing cards with others may have their taken! Issued to a members account in any body of water will be given guest privileges as defined approach. On rare occasions, improperly done and the bonding can deteriorate over time component... Pandemic can affect disaster preparedness and recovery, and staff not there was actual thunder/lightning to such! Watches and warnings about severe weather, may help save lives ( 2 complimentary! 0? 6 %? QFe 5X|NoN5l lifeguards to use on surveillance duty fullest extent of the importance! Everyone should stay away from downed power lines, or peaks how deep water... Were received in 2015, call 9-1-1 and begin CPR to people indoor. Both the water may be, unassisted, with either front crawl or breaststroke closing indoor pools is! Require some sort of pool buildings can blow over in high winds warn against potential risks and phones. Our swimmers safe is the best time to swim is during the daytime,... Risks, we would drain swimming pools during these storms is based on irrational fears rather than objective.... Of 18, must have a means to garner daily weather forecasts and updates all, will! Minutes have elapsed after the sound of thunder at the YMCA is dedicated to the fullest extent the! Killed or seriously injured by severe thunderstorms are likely to occur is thunder or lightning, stay of... Clickthrough Data threatening way a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter in indoor pools causing. Thunder clap Clark Consulting not retain an electrical charge and can be handled safely, should. The American Red Cross takes your privacy seriously YMCA members will be issued two 2... App in theApple Store orGoogle Play if available on-site the good news is National!

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