nancy dillard lyon's daughters

Either way, I dont think hes a threat to anyone anymore. Nancy told her doctor about the times she already believed Richard drugged her: the pop at the movie, a nightcap that left her severely sick on the bathroom floor, not to mention those vitamins that made her sick. She was about to testify against her former boss in a trial for an Embezzlement charge but was poisoned before she could do so. It was determined that Richard wrote the notes about her brother. And how a lawyer could have on his conscience that someone was imprisoned possibly, probably or certainly because of his ambition improperly to win his case is beyond me. A right in the USA that needs to be changed. You are joking right! Richard gave those vitamins (filled with rat poison) to Nancy, and he still had the empty capsules. Your email address will not be published. Nice playacting. That poor man. Ivy League sweethearts. Parole was denied on 03/01/2021. A LOT of moronic jurors out there and guilty people go free and sadly innocent people go to prison. Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut with this . Ill carry you.. Richard Alexander: Wrongly Convicted of Rape,,,,,,, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. A preponderance of evidence shows that he did this terrible crime. Her condition deteriorated overtime and her organs started to fail. There have been many cases attributed to that hospital. Meanwhile, a laboratory found lethal amounts of arsenic in Nancys hair, liver, and kidneys. Nancys death was a tragic accident. The part about conspiring to cheat while college kids is intriguing. Next parole date is 2/2026. And lets not forget the poison-filled capsules Nancy had, or the matching empty capsules found in his apartment!, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. If wood was the cause why wasnt Richard found with any arsenic in his body? But judging on how often Ive seen DAs fight AGAINST releasing innocent people who have been wrongfully convicted, there is something VERY wrong in that system, and those are the prosecutors who get ahead to become equally crooked judges. Cathy: Hello. Hes where he belongs. If so, you would leave them alone. For all of you so critical and wishing him harm, I pray that God opens your eyes and heart. Preyed upon her. Talk about clutching at straws! Never loved her. But it must be the hospital who Nancy said gave her a nightcap that made her deathly ill, or gave her strange tasting pop at the movies with a strange powder floating on top? From these three facts, we can ascertain that Richard does not have integrity, loyalty, morals, scruples or decency. Do not listen to others who have ulterior motives or derogatory speech. In Richards case, the hospital gave Nancy a medication they knew she was allergic to, which caused other complications as well as other damage. But Allison and Anna are adults now. He should NOT be paroled. It is all hearsay. For all I know, you are a suspect trying to keep all eyes on Richard. This comment on behalf of this scum is as sick as the scum himself. A grim-looking Richard showed up on Goldens doorstep in January 1991 to ask if she and her husband would look after his daughters while he took Nancy to the emergency room. But we all need friends, and I admire your speaking up for him and putting the case. In Richards appeal for a new trial, which was denied, it would have proven the hand writing expert wrong. People should have learned that by now! Cmon, FRL, you sound like a character from Pilgrims Progress who has taken up residence in the Land of Denial. I can understand how a friend or family member can believe their loved one is innocent. Richard & Nancy Lyon Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a Dallas real estate tycoon, reached the heartrending conclusion that her marriage to husband In murdering Nancy five years later, Richard Lyon took away yet another child from the Dillard family. Not a waste of time. Your statement he probably is your opinion. Richard Lyon suffered from addictions to alcohol and sex. She thought the affair might just blow over. But did the evidence support this conviction? Theres always someone. After one of the most sensational trials in recent. Were you admitted WITH arsenical poisoning (in which case, they didnt) or with another condition, THEN were also to have been found poisoned? . Dear RR: I will continue to post rebuttals to your blog post, which should have a disclaimer that it is an OPINION piece, borderline FICTION. Your email address will not be published. She didnt appreciate his using $5,900 of their money to buy a ring for Gaisford. who killed her if you believe that. There are 100 others that say a different story. There might be a bit of Better Call Saul-ness in the case. They must have a view regardless of expressing it. If you just wanted attention from your husband, you wouldnt use arsenic at all, since it causes permanent damage. It was all a big joke to them. Also, when she was dying in the hospital, she told the doctor there that she thought Richard was poisoning her (the doctor waited until Richard finally left her side)! Richard Lyon was denied parole again on March 1, 2021. May he be haunted every day and night by what hes done. They had watched them bury one of their four children, thirty-year-old Tom, who died of a brain tumor in 1985. This page was last edited on 9 August 2020, at 14:16. We will all stand before God and have to answer for the things we have done in this life whether they be big or small. Never loved her. So at the first sign of trouble in a marriage STOP! If I were a dr, a patient saw me claiming to be poisoned by another, and she showed signs of toxicity, Id want to be on the safe side and contact police. However, if Nancy presented as rational AND poisoning was suspected, or, certainly, found, by the examining dr, I think the police should have been contacted. TX is not known for its stellar justice system. One was her psychiatrist/psychologist. Richard began an affair with a coworker named Tami Ayn Gaisford around 1989. I guess Texas courts dont mess around. Surely if the hospital was connected with institutional accidental or deliberate poisonings, this would have been reported in the media? The truth will eventually come out. Nancy Dillard Lyon, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. Cathy: Just read the case. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. She died before they had a chance, on January 14, 1991, at the age of 37. FRL: Thanks; Ill/well read with interest. Although I dont believe for one second that Richard Lyons is innocent (the facts say hes guilty), the case of Michael Peterson is different. She married Richard Lyon who was also in real estate development but was not nearly as successful as Nancy Lyon. There is sin and there is SIN. The police then found out she had been suffering from depression for the past year after finding out Richard had an affair with another woman. He is right where he belongs and that is in prison. William Dillard, Jr. and his wife Mary Helen raised Anna and Allison. Anyway, I dont agree with you regarding juries. It came out in the trial. Not sure about that. A real trustworthy man. 2. But do I blame them? Charles Couch, the owner of Couch Oil and Gas, located in Dallas, Texas who has had multiple documented criminal fraud and money laundering complaints filed against him, has apparently, left the country for Ghana Africa, despite multiple warnings by those keenly observing Couchs divestment of investor owned assets, movement of large sums of money and the creation of an alleged fraud involving gold mining in Ghana. A Husband Tries to Mess with TexasWriters Block, (Forensic Files). Personally, Id probably force a mistrial, as I care far more for real justice, than the law. Does an atheist (I am not) have the right to condemn acts of brutality as much as the ardent believer as the repentance and forgiveness are complex issues and do not mitigate crimes. 3) Richards handwriting was identified by a forensic expert in Nancys diary accusing her brother of sexually abusing her. You also said no one commits suicide over time. She passed away in 2009. Doctors frantically did tests to find the cause of her illness. And whats with this Adam and Eve nonsense?! Nancy's father, William "Big Daddy" Dillard, died in 2006 after a 59-year marriage to Sue Stubbs Dillard that produced four children. Seems like nothing much has changed in Dallas since November 1963. And then there was the grandfather who gave his son a pass about the whole thing!! The amount of evidence is HUGE! For example, I was once in an elevator that dropped 8 1/2 floors. I believe they definitely got it right in this case, but how many times have you heard people say, Where theres smoke, theres fire. The two purposely tweaked their handwriting so it looked similar enough that he could get away with handing in papers shed written for him. I saw him yesterday. Adam/Eve: names merely used to illustrate the above principle, not the biblical story, to be taken somehow literally. Nancy Dillard Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a wealthy family. Their decision to change their names is definitely understandable. Probation is only given once the person admits guilt and shows remorse. I noticed that The Friends of Richard Lyons does that. 384 pages, Paperback. Hes a man that didnt want to be married, pay child support, and keep her insurance policy. I didnt state there couldnt have been a third-party. So sorry to hear about this - she did such great job with this case! Did the hospital find arsenical poisoning or is that your own diagnosis? And so Richard wasarrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. The SEC brought a successful multiple securities violations lawsuit against Charles O. Couch, in June, 2016, when Charles Couch agreed to pay $10,000,000 to the SEC and some of his hundreds of victims. He posed a continued threat to public safety, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. And there can be few crueler ways to kill than this appalling manner. I dont include in this fighting hard for their case, regardless of their view of guilt or innocence: I demure somewhat from the notion that counsel is strictly about establishing truth, which is properly a matter for the jury; but there can be no latitude where concealment of evidence helpful to the defence is concerned (Brady doctrine). Who had a stronger motive than him? Hell never be released until he admits killing her. . Everyone is entitled to their opinion but please dont let that stop you! I do believe Richard killed his wife. 30 years in jail I dont think you can say he got away with it! When sufficient circumstantial evidence aggregates, each aspect of which IN ISOLATION can be explained away or attract doubt, a threshold is reached which cannot be ignored or explained away in its entirety. You are absolutely correct. At least in the USA. This is not the case with Richard Lyon. Dillard parents. The hospital has to be proven negligent but if they are not forthright then it takes a lot of power and money to sue. Evil never wins. Post jury interviews revealed that they were on the verge of acquittal but the Couch testimony and hand writing testimony swayed them. Um, it was no accident He deliberately and repeatedly poisoned her. Thank you for your testimony! Fortunately, the state of Texas and Nancys family werent so easily fooled. Cause thats not what he told me. After being treated as Royalty by Texas Securities top enforcement dog, Joe Rotunda and the lose way in which the law suit was handled by the SEC, the only thing that might come as a surprise is that Joe (Rotunda) and Jay (Oman, Deputy Director of Enforcement) did not give Couch a ride to the airport., One of our clients, I understand, made repeated request to both agencies to seize or freeze Couchs assets, to stop the selloff of investors assets and take measures to prevent his leaving the country. My aunt was in ICU at the time and thats why I was there. You are a fool. Smells of a set up. We in Connecticut who know him and his family, maintain that he is innocent. Given the terrible death he inflicted on their mother, Id be surprised (but certainly wouldnt judge them; when theyve lost one, the other, however poor, may be better than none). I wouldnt be surprised if they do . In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. Sociopaths are pathological liars and will lie to the bitter end unless there is something in it for them to be truthful. Perhaps that would prove that either her brother killed her or that Nancy was so distraught over the bad memories she took her own life. BUT if it werent for those supporters (who were correct), would some of those whose convictions were overturned have remained convicts and perhaps have been executed? What does that have to do with the poison pills given to Nancy, the empty capsules matching those pills in Richards apartment, or the forged documents (fake receipt and diary entries) found to be in Richards handwriting? Nothing sweet about that deal. Ive seen many calm killers (and regular people who were lying) who passed, and many worried, freaked out victims whove failed. And lets not forget that, among even more evidence (like Richard previously emptying their bank accounts, and not knowing Nancy changed the beneficiary on her life insurance), theres the long vacation he took with his mistress less than 5 weeks after Nancy died. My relationship with Richard is one of a fellow Catholic. But, because of that law/so-called right, juries dont want to risk acquitting someone unless they are sure, because theres no way to fix it. As Richard had hoped, Bill Dillard . Cant find her anywhere. Thats a ridiculous statement. Thats all for this post. The quoted remark is senseless: money yes; status no. We may be all sinners but not all of us commits murder. She was hard-working and practical. Tim: Yours was the opinion of the jury so you hardly need to be sheepish about it! (By the way, in other applications, Creuzot is known for being merciful. There was no proof that Richard had any arsenic, Nancy had no arsenic in her stomach, there was no arsenic found in any of the food or in the house, the pill bottles did not contain poison nor Richards fingerprints, and they were found over six months after Richard left the condo (which the police had access to) and the condo was owned by a friend of Tramwell Crowe. They came from different worlds. Surely the only role of the hospital would be to certify that you had been poisoned? Being that easily fooled makes you look as gullible as him for imagining he could twist and turn things around and play the blame the victim game and win. No one ever made mistakes on dosages?! Or even a cop! I wonder if theyve given up the fight or if its just an oversight? Anyone who says outright that someone is innocent, who wasnt with that person every second (basically, a conjoined twin), is a fool. As for updates on family members of the Lyons, I wasn't able to find out who took custody of the couple's little daughters after Richard went to prison. No longer her brothers or her colleagues as he tried to imply when he testified in his own defense? At least one of them is already married. 1) Vitamins/capsules that Nancy took contained poison. The justice system in the USA is broken. Obviously people commit suicide over time. Adultery and greed are characteristics of the young ladys husband. It is being revised and will be back up by spring. My husband was friends with this guy in prison. Why is the TX justice system so worried about finding out the truth? Not to mention his arrogance in continuing to deny what he did and actually soliciting legal help to get away with it. But I notice that you didnt point out anything specific that was actually incorrect, although you insinuated that the entire comment was fiction. Interesting. I worry about Lyon getting out. My mom, my dad, my stepfather, all my grandparents, my exs mother, my friends siblings. This murderous scumbag should NEVER be granted parole. Especially their murderer of a father who killed their mother Im sure. But the money hadnt spoiled Nancy. The woman who rented the condo cannot be located a tip off that she was paid off. And, certainly, arsenic is like. Richard first sprang into action by sprinkling a powdered poison into a soda he bought for Nancy at the movies. It would behoove people to actually read the trial transcripts and think. Richard deserves to be paroled and returned to CT to his family, or what is left of it. The medical examiner did not find any signs of a disease in her system but found lethal doses of Arsenic in her system at her autopsy which later found that she had ingested small doses every week starting from four months before her death. Of course, Im sure they wish their mother was alive too. 00612188 in the capable hands of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Nancy would get sick/notice a bad taste/powder in drinks supplied to her by Richard. Or the forged receipt, or the life insurance he thought he was going to get. She still lives in Texas but married someone else. That bid was rejected, although the Texas Department of Justice website gives no explanation. Unfortunately, the cops just made a joke out of the owl theory (I guess they havent learned that implausible DOES happen), but give me one other explanation for owl feathers and her own hair being found in her hand????? The principle is widely accepted in scientific and legal procedure, being obvious, really. What planet did you just arrive from?! But I doubt that that would have succeeded here. Homewrecker. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Actually, people all over the world follow this story. Try to do more than a cursory reading. What POSSIBLE explanation is there for that? 100 times the normal level of arsenic in her body suggests that much was consumed but over a long period. Everything Marcus said made sense. Im not saying I think Lyon is innocent but some of your reasoning is absurd! 30 years later I still maintain this belief. Even a cursory reading of his support materials makes it obvious why none of the innocence projects will take his case. I would have been a really good loyal husband too. And the wounds DO look exactly like owl attack wounds I looked up pictures of other cases. In early 1990, Richard moved out of the house and continued his extramarital relationship. 1. Who told you he was innocent? I doubt very much, that she ate the wood), and either way, it doesnt explain the vitamins filled with poison, or the empty capsules matching those vitamins in Richards apartment, or the fact that Nancy thought he was trying to poison her, or the strange powder she found floating in a drink HE gave her. If juries are presented with partial or misleading evidence (which could be more accident than design such as failure of the defence to do a reasonable job of interrogating evidence), the wrong outcomes very possible. It no longer exists. The drink tasted terrible and made her sick later that evening. Ramsey Unit prison farm at the tender age of 34. Not to mention the woman herself actually saying she thought her husband was trying to poison her! Cops, who just want to close their case, regardless if the defendant is guilty (but there are good, hard working cops too), and crooked DAs who just want to get ahead. But members of the jury brought their healthy sense of skepticism with them for the two-week trial. 1 suspect is always the husband, Richard was armed and ready with the aforementioned forged documents designed to look as though Nancy wrote them. I hope I would do the same where I perceived a gross miscarriage of justice. Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. And Thank God. He was guilty of one thing adultery, and for that he has paid a dear price. When you look at the FACTS, I cant think of any reason for this, other than an owl attack, which DOES happen; maybe the owl had just laid eggs. Politics, power, and money will do what is necessary to influence the outcome of any situation. I wish I had more time and money to pursue his innocence, but I do not. If self-inflicted why? The rich and powerful can accomplish anything they want, even to frame an innocent man. Although Nancy enjoyed the East Coast, Richard made the well-reasoned suggestion that the couple should reside in Dallas, the Dillard family's power base. And yes, there are MANY innocent people in jail, and on death row, especially in Texas. But nothing in that comment was fiction: Something just didnt seem right watching the family as they gathered. Wondered who was from UK. Richard and Nancy had two daughters. As a mother of a son, this case and others are examples of how the rich can control the justice system. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. If a third-party, how were they accessing her victuals to administer low-dose poison over weeks? He concluded that Richard was the one who wrote that to try and cover up his crime. He deserves to die alone in his cell. In a Texas Monthly story, Gayle Golden wrote about Nancy and Richards early years: At Harvard, they had teamed up on all their projects, working through the night until collapsing together in the single bed they shared. But the mild-mannered 5-foot-7-inch Richard needed a way that wouldnt mean losing custody of his kids or the affluence and prestige that Nancy Dillard Lyons family brought to his life. And their current story of accidental death is beyond ridiculous. Very sad. It would come up in court later. Or the forged receipt with her name on it (typed receipt, but all receipts in that business were done by hand no typewriter), or the forged diary entries. Nancys death was a tragedy all the way around and has affected many lives. 2) Documents were forged. I was wondering how they were doing! Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. I would have cooked, cleaned, take care of my life. Its a pretty common pattern. She told the doctor (her psychiatrist/psychologist) that she believed Richard was systematically poisoning her thats directly from the victim! Time to leave the Land of Denial and move to the Land of Reality. Nancy planned to move to Washington, D.C., with her daughters after the divorce, a 1991 AP story reported. Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon Birth 6 Aug 1953. Evil he is. All the evidence against him and he still wont fess up to his crime. I was only saved by the emergency brakes which stopped me between the first floor and the basement. Thats how it works. And Leslie is correct. They married in 1982 and moved into a duplex in University Park, an affluent section of Dallas. I think William Dillard Jr. has a lot to do with it. Do you have evidence or first hand account? Poison into a duplex in University Park, an affluent section of Dallas more! Influence the outcome of any situation in drinks supplied to her by Richard capsules. Anything they want, even to frame an innocent man not nearly successful! Jr. has a lot to do with it fight or if its just an oversight he did this crime... To the Texas Department of justice website gives no explanation had a chance, on the other,... Duplex in University Park, an affluent section of Dallas I wish I more! Notes about her brother time and thats why I was once in an elevator that dropped 8 1/2.. 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