admiral byrd chilean newspaper

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Thirty years later one of those survivors admitted that the sub was transporting mercury, which was later confirmed by divers. Yet scientists from primarily the United States, Russia, United Kingdom and France, each largely working separately for decades, have guardedly unveiled layers of truth in small bits and pieces that reveal a mysterious, darkly hidden past. The base was likely part of the Third Reichs treasure finders research teams searching for ancient artifacts. Yes there is. The official line was to receive an update on climate change research. 25 1 1 comment Best Add a Comment [deleted] 13 days ago [removed] nixmix85 12 days ago "Avion"* 0 According to the author, the base has since been taken over by humans. Rather than eradicating disease, the elite engages in suppression of cancer cures feeding a corrupt, Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma-healthcare monopoly, poisoning us through mandatory killer vaccines, fluoride in our water, heavy metal aerosols in our air, soil, water, lungs and brains, while maintaining a nonstop policy of war exclusively to benefit the military industrial security prison complex profiteers who loathe us and want us dead or dying, all the while deploying a 24/7 mind control propaganda machine, feeding an insatiable greed that guarantees maximum absolute power, authority and control over the global masses. Perhaps having contacted the advanced hollow earth race already on previous journeys to the Poles, or minimally seen for himself that warm green areas with ice-free lakes exist near and beyond the South Pole and firsthand witnessed UFO battle capability, at the outset of his final trip to Antarctica in November 1955, Admiral Byrd stated: Thats a pretty big statement. One part of Antarctica is actually growing warmerwhile another part colder. A brief history of Antarctica adequately provides a contextual background by which a clearer perspective on our current dilemma can be understood. I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. A & S: The only casualties on Highjump were the three Navy men killed in the George 1 airplane crash in December 1946. On November 28th, 1929 Byrd and his crew made the first flight over the South Pole lasting almost 19 hours. Hanks quotes from a 1947 interview with Byrd, published in a Chilean newspaper, thusly: "The admiral stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that, in case of a new war, the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds." It was the first time that these two heads of Christianity met face-to-face in almost 1000 years. When the Nazis realized they would ultimately lose the war, as an escape many top SS officers, party officials, engineers and scientists ended up in Antarctica. Forrestals uncompromising, moral high ground stance had to be neutralized as he threatened to expose the criminal cabal operating at the time as the federal government, having compiled a multi-thousand page diary that the New York Times claimed could fill a file cabinet, revealing all the inside secrecy hed been observing. Id not heard of this. He spoke of daily work tasks like remote viewing and planting thoughts in others heads. 29 Mar 2017 MWB sends in this from Chile, he found it on an only French site. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.2. Weather. Byrd discussed the lessons learned from the operation in an interview with Lee van Atta of International News Service held aboard the expedition's command ship, the USS Mount Olympus. The translation that follows is from an online piece by Summerhayes and Beeching(well worth reading). And there were very few of those 4,700 who had any [polar] experience. Their real agenda is to prevent us from knowing about their top-secret discoveries and further plundering for no good. This is presumably a very free translation of los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos, more correctly the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. As the defeated task force began its return to the US, Admiral Byrd's initial press report from Chile explained that his mission had to be aborted due to taking in "too many casualties.". The warm air convection current emanating from the polar openings obviously accounts for this difference. Olaf sailed into the opening near the North Pole in 1829 and wrote of his wondrous experiences inside the earth and his persecuted, tortuous life back on the surface. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine As a result, German engineers and scientists were believed to develop prototype flying saucers and UFO spacecraft. US Navy operation to establish an Antarctic research base, Diving Under Antarctic Ice: A History Peter Brueggeman, United States Antarctic Service Expedition, Capt. Well, a lot has been made of it. The Amundsen Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the South Pole, the southernmost place on the Earth. Medal of Honor recipient Admiral Richard E. Byrd allegedly wrote his encounter with a lost civilization in Antarctica. This was alien technology in action. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. The admiral further stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.. The US supposedly ceased its naval operations on the continent in 1998. When he received flack challenging his contention of a February 1947 Byrd North Pole expedition, his retort in a letter to one of his skeptics was a flippant giveaway: This author cares not a little how you use the name, Giannini. From the research Ive done, Byrd really wasnt well. Scientists have also determined that the earths core is as hot as the suns surface. On January 1, 1947, Lieutenant Commander Thompson and Chief Petty Officer John Marion Dickison [4] utilized "Jack Browne" masks and DESCO oxygen rebreathers to log the first dive by Americans under the Antarctic. Later, another tractor went down in a crevasse and its driver was crushed. The technology at the base is purported to be years ahead of our current known level of technology. Reed stated that the distance from pole to pole of the hollow interior was 6,400 miles. Belanger: It was the beginning of photo mapping there, and it helped people learn about the continent. Without empirical evidence, what conventional science merely postulates as the truth really is nothing more than theory just as those believing the earth is hollow or flat are each advocating a theory. There were maybe four [deaths] in Deep Freeze 2 or 3. All these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? According to Hollow Earth theorists, Byrd met ancient race underground in the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So for over six decades this coming war has been in the works. Theyre highly skilled at stringing us along with lies and half-truths, forever instilling duality and confusion into their dumbing down equation to seize maximum, cluelessly brainwashed control. 1947 was a busy and eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an executive order by President Truman. Christianity speaks of Hell being inside the earth. Ahnenerbe members sought ancient texts raiding libraries and artifacts the world over in places like Tibet and India as well as occupied Russia and Europe. Lets face it, virtually everything weve been taught to be reality falls short of the honest truth, having been programmed and brainwashed from day one that prohibits any real serious or genuine inquiry, questioning or challenging of the prevailing dogmatic norm and order, thus by built-in design preventing exploration of alternative information, data and theories that may well lead to different, more accurate conclusions and outcomes. Recent studies reveal that Antarctica, India and Africa once comprised the supercontinent Gondwana until they broke apart roughly 80 million years ago. Could anyone provide the original cutting scanned for the generations? Right in the center of what could be a 300 mile wide impact crater is the home of a massive buried object laying under a deep coat of ice that emanates a concentration of powerful gravitational energy measured from a NASA satellite. Because the Secretary of Defense advocated an open policy of disclosure to his fellow Americans, and was both a supporter and ally of Admiral Byrd, his push to reveal the existence of UFOs and the deceptive machinations of the FDR-Truman wartime administrations became a thorn in the side of the rogue government. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. The Navy had done a training exercise there in the summer of 1946 and felt it needed to do more. If theres anyone who should know the truth about the poles, and whether theres an opening at each one, its Admiral Richard Byrd. Perhaps unwittingly this scientific study suggests that the far side of that inner layer of ocean could be the same ocean belonging to the inner world where both ocean and landmass supporting a different race inhabits. The Byrd myth-quote is terribly misleading. But other than the VIP list below making visits to Antarctica, little else is reported or known regarding the specific purpose or nature of their trips. The end goal was to establish US sovereignty over a . They conclude that there is a sun underneath the surface of our planet. . In total, 29 stories have been published about Buena Park which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. Suddenly emerging from underwater, especially near Antarctica, they are believed to originate from undersea bases there. [11], As with other U.S. Antarctic expeditions, interested persons were allowed to send letters with enclosed envelopes to the base, where commemorative cachets were added to their enclosures, which were then returned to the senders. Though thats true, the release of this information suddenly going public via YouTube all these years later at this particular time is strikingly similar to the warning allegedly put out just a couple weeks later by Buzz Aldrin upon visiting Antarctica and falling sick, posting on Twitter an accompanying photo of the Antarctic pyramids. Even a cursory examination of the real Byrds writing style and the amateurish comic book sci-fi account of the later discovered February 1947 diary plants serious doubt that the latter was written by the explorer. Inside sources suspected many had escaped to the German underground base in Antarctica. Look no further than our history, made of distorted lies according to the biased self-serving agenda of the so called victors who are really the controllers wielding the most brute power. We didnt know about precision flying or what we were looking at.. A Russian general was tasked with picking it up on his way to Antarctica for delivery. So why does this innocuous passage matter? In the meantime, lets take a snapshot of the last 100 years to concretely illustrate how we arrived at the precipice at this moment. Nuff said on that. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. A chunk of ice almost the size of Delaware could break apart, separating as much as 10% of the ice shelf, and likely causing sea levels to significantly rise that could submerge coastlines the world over. Further supporting this belief of ancient civilizations inhabiting the continent, scientists have recently discovered two large pyramids located just 10 miles inland and a third near the coastline. They were supposed to do a lot of photo mapping. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. And among the earths seven continents, no greater land mass has been more unseen, uninhabited and less known about than the mysterious frozen terrain that lies underneath the 2 mile deep polar ice shelf covering the Antarctic continent, a massive 5.4 million square mile (14 square million kilometer) archipelago thats twice the size of Australia surrounding the south pole. The waters of Lake Vostok are believed to have been untouched for 20 million years. When encountering the press, Byrd tended to be more truthful than his government preferred and just prior to embarking, he openly stated that Highjump was a military expedition to look for some bases.. These souvenir philatelic covers are readily available at low cost. Beach has checked this translation against his own, admittedly dormant Spanish, and finds it to be spot on. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking recalled the Admiral is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. His radio announcement was never followed up in the press because the government obviously suppressed any further publicity covering his wondrous discovery 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. Obviously from his final entry he wanted to share everything about his spectacular travels and life-changing experiences. And Forrestals murder had to be taken as a direct threat to Admiral Byrd open your mouth and youll be next.. The nuclear age had just begun, and the real fears were that the Soviet Union would attack the United States over the North Pole. Belanger: It was the largest naval expedition ever in Antarctica. Another piece of evidence that the Nazis were actively engaged in advanced aviation construction in Antarctica throughout the war is the fact that a British submarine torpedoed a German U-859 in September 1944 in the Straits of Malacca. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. Three years ago a study confirmed that a giant ocean of water lays 254 miles (410 km) deep into the mantle below the earths surface. The whistleblower found himself regaining consciousness outside the only life he knew inside the earth in a mountain area of Tajikistan and eventually by train made his way to Germany. This phrase has, in fact, been repeated and repeated with knowing nods to Arctic Nazi UFOs even in Farrell Reich of the Black Sun (2005) who puts the mistranslation next to the original Spanish! Sunday 7 | 13C. The prize possession on Hitlers wish list for world dominance and power was the lost civilization of Atlantis and the Holy Grail. Its our responsibility to harness and impart this knowledge and wisdom to uplift and enrich all of our lives. Apart from politics, a huge crack 80 miles long (130 km) and 300 feet deep is currently splitting and spreading across the 2,400 mile continental expanse. But with world war looming on the horizon, a decision was made to eventually abort the expedition and both east and west base camp personnel sailed their ships into Boston harbor in May 1941 while war in Europe was already raging. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again and those who are of darkness shall fall in its Light FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN. After the war the Americans were confounded to learn that thousands of German scientists were listed as dead or unaccounted for, 250,000 German citizens whose whereabouts were unknown, and over 100 submarines remained unaccounted for. During WWII Admiral Byrd was confidential advisor to both the Commander-in-Chief and top naval commander Admiral Ernest J. Majestic 12 is the top secret committee comprised of scientists, military leaders and government insiders invited on a need to know basis designated to oversee and conceal all alien phenomena and documentation. The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio ran a March 5th, 1947 article stating: Adm. This month its a bird, its a plane, no its the geopolitics grandmaster himself, Vladimir Putins turn to take in the January icescapes, and get the latest scoop on the covert skullduggery down under. Determining the feasibility of establishing, maintaining, and utilizing bases in the Antarctic and investigating possible base sites; Developing techniques for establishing, maintaining, and utilizing, Amplifying existing stores of knowledge of, This page was last edited on 5 November 2022, at 15:00. Cayce also predicted strong earthquake activity in the Western US that includes Californias San Andreas Fault and the Nevada-Utah area. This supposed joint cooperative venture came at a time when Saudi-Russian relations are alleged to be severely strained. Byrd mentions the Mystery Land beyond the Pole, except he was referring to the South Pole expedition, not the North Pole. Mongolian tribes believe that tunnels at earths surface link to the subterranean world. As a 1912 US Naval Academy graduate, understanding the importance of future air travel, Richard Byrd opted to become a naval aviator in 1917. Debo advertir a mis compatriotas que termin aquel tiempo en el que podamos refugiarnos en nuestro aislamiento y confiar en la certeza de que las distancias, los ocanos, y los polos eran una garanta de seguridad. Posted by DrHeiser | Apr 10, 2015 | Fringe History & Archaeology, UFO Religions, UFO Sightings, Cases, UFOs as Folklore |. Billed as a reconnaissance mission to establish the research base Little America IV, the operation hit the high seas in December 1946. Advertising Notice They edited many things about it. As glaciers recede during warmer months, and increasingly sophisticated, sensitive technology is being used, research operations are no doubt detecting and recovering hidden treasures. James Forrestal was a member. I now make my final entry in this singular diary. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets. Terms of Use But in fact temperatures at the poles are warmer than temperatures 600-1000 miles away. As one example, based on the persuasive efforts of John Cleves Symmes, in 1822 President John Quincy Adams was ready to sign off on lending federal sponsorship to an Arctic expedition exploring the polar opening. NASAs Operation Ice Bridge has experts believing an ancient civilization once existed under the 2.3 kilometers of ice. El Almirante Richard E. Byrd advirti hoy que es imperativo para los Estados Unidos de America el iniciar medidas de defensa contra la posibilidad de una invasin del pas de parte de aviones hostiles provenientes de las regiones polares. El Almirante Richard E. Byrd advirti hoy que es imperativo para los Estados Unidos de America el iniciar medidas de defensa contra la posibilidad de una invasin del pas de parte de aviones hostiles provenientes de las regiones polares. Since the 1947 Byrd diary is nowhere else documented or to be found, its likely a fraud. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. [sic]. Four American tanks observe something round that skittered along the snow. Monday 10 | 13C. English, News As weve said many times before, UFO (and conspiracy) proponents have a bad habit of not checking their sources. Let 2017 be the year that together we take down the cabal and take back our planet before they completely destroy it. Its quite good, with plenty of documentation: Colin Summerhayes and Peter Beeching, Hitlers Antarctic Base: The Myth and The Reality, Polar Record 43 (224): 121 (2007). [14] In 2007 a group called the George One Recovery Team was unsuccessful in trying to get direct military involvement and raise extensive funds from the United States Congress to try and find the bodies of the three men killed in the crash. But gradually as stronger evidence emerges, the truth is supposed to win out over the established false consensus. His summary of the earths interior: The Earth is hollow. El Almirante explic que no quiere asustar a nadie, pero es una verdad amarga que, en el caso de una nueva guerra, los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole. Major discoveries are forcing the issue. February 1947 must have been quite a year for the Polar Byrd-man. On the way back Byrd gave an interview to the prestigious Chilean newspaper El Mercurio of Santiago on 5 March 1947. There is ample visual evidence available to absolutely prove that the hollow earth theory is indeed reality. After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. Buena Park. Today we the global masses have a unique opportunity to bridge and integrate knowledge and truth by synthesizing modern technology with ancient wisdom for the greater good of all humanity. yep; and dont forget the persecution complex. In late November to mid-December 2013, Prince Harry accompanied a team of a dozen veterans of Empire wars from UK, US and Canada on a Walking with the Wounded Antarctic expedition as a PR stunt to raise money and awareness for those willing to die for the latest bankers wars. On January 17th, 2004 Spains King Carlos and queen traveled to Antarctica on a Chilean ship. Highjump was a significant illustration of the state of the world and the cold war thinking at the time. Moreover, in recent years enormous pyramid structures have also been discovered in Mexico, Central and South America, China, Kazakhstan, Bosnia among other places. With the creation of Majestic and then NASA a year after Byrds death, the assigned official gatekeeper of scientific truth was firmly, compartmentally in place, ensuring that the solid spherical earth hoax would be maintained. The press cover reads like a kid fulfilling his lifelong dream come true. The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. Russian UFO researcher Valentin Degterevfound in 2015 yet another strange image on the February 2012 Google Earth that appears to be four tanks covered in snow lined up facing what could be a crashed 204 wide and 40 tall UFO. In 1928 Richard Byrd led his first Antarctic expedition by ship and planes taking photographs and conducting geological surveying. Fearing that the globalists have been exposed like never before, they are fast tracking the alien invasion for 2017. Clifford M. Campbell, USN, Commanding, On December 30, 1946, aviation radiomen Wendell K. Henderson, Fredrick W. Williams, and Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez were killed when their Martin PBM Mariner George 1 crashed during a blizzard. This was alien technology in action. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. A statement by Admiral Byrd to the International News Service was published by the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio in March of that year, part of which read: " Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the . This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Coast Guard. But the words are the same as those in an earlier work by Mattern and Friedrich UFOs: Nazis Secret Weapons (1975). Thankfully despite all their dirty trick scandals and murders behind them, with his wifes recent defeat, the Bush-Clinton-Obama control over the puppet throne in Washington has just been finally dethroned. Operation HIGHJUMP commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Near the poles the crusts then thinned out to form a hole at both the northern and southern extremities. one of the largest collections of polar records in the world. During the first few weeks of settling in and engaging in reconnaissance and surveying, outside of some close calls under extreme harsh climate conditions, everything seemed to be progressing as scheduled. For this difference been exposed like never before, they are fast tracking the alien invasion for.. 28Th, 1929 Byrd and his crew made the first flight over the false. Establish the research Ive done, Byrd really wasnt well websites or documents the! Original cutting scanned for the polar Byrd-man in 1998 Byrd allegedly wrote his with... 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